Comps and calls for February 2021

Hello everyone! At last, January’s over! A wet, cold January here in the northern hemisphere, when it snowed just enough to slip on, but not enough to play with. And as for Covid… Anyway, moving on…

The course is going really well! I’ll be honest – the first session was chaotic, due to me underestimating the Facebook gremlins, and also half way through the Capitol Building in America was stormed, which was off-putting. Since, then, however, it’s been fantastic, and my main problem is coping with the fact that pretty much everyone on the course is a better writer than I am!

There’s a bumper load of Comps and Calls this month. I was determined that doing the course wouldn’t mean that you got short-changed, so I’ve made it extra full and exciting. There are so many opportunities! Go on, submit – you know my (successful!) mantra by now: have a go…

Much love,

Cathy x

Here are some writing competitions and calls for submission, all with free, electronic entry.

As usual I’m passing these on in good faith but mistakes may be made, so do check all the submission guidelines carefully. Any info in quotes comes from the website itself and any dates at the start are deadlines. Also, I don’t know the sources personally, so do check them out for yourselves.

There are three headings (click/tap to jump straight to them):

If you aren’t a submitter (why not? Nothing to lose! Rejection is something we all share!) then the themes can make great writing prompts/exercises.

Although I mention only fiction or poetry, many publications accept non-fiction, art or other forms, so do check if interested. Good luck and do let me know of successes! The links are in the comments, and any dates at the start are deadlines.

Where possible, I have marked the relevant entries with ‘paying’, ‘contributor copy’ etc. However, you are best off checking the info for yourselves as I am not infallible and the info isn’t always available or clear. Please be aware that a contributor copy may be in print or digital format. Also, some publications offer several things, eg payment as well as a contributor copy. Where this is the case, I have assumed that payment is enough of an incentive, so I haven’t listed everything. It’s a rough guide and should be treated as such.


3rd Feb ‘Spectator Competition No 3185: The state we’re in. Shelley wrote a sonnet entitled ‘England in 1819’. You are invited to compose one called ‘England in 2021’. Please email entries to lucy at by midday on 3 February.’ PAYING

4th Feb ‘This year, for the first time, we’re inviting poetry submissions from all U.S. and international high school students (aged fifteen to eighteen) to participate in our Sixth Annual “Tell Me a Story” High School Contest! We are eager to hear from as many voices as possible.’ Poem on the theme of Escape. PAYING (Cathy’s note: a teacher has to do the submitting.)

5th Feb ‘Stories must be no more than 360 words (including the title) and be by current Years 11, 12 & 13 students, or Higher/Advanced Higher students, aged 15–19 and studying in the UK.’ VOUCHER/OTHER (thanks to for this one)

7th Feb Play suitable for audio recording, with a runtime of 20-50 mins. PAYING (thanks to for this one)

10th Feb ‘Spectator Competition No. 3186: mixed messages. You are invited to supply an acrostic poem praising or dispraising a public figure, in which the word/s spelt out by the first letter of each line directly contradicts what the poem is saying. Email entries of up to 16 lines to lucy at by midday on 10 February.’

12th Feb ‘To enter, all you have to do is submit a short story (for adults) of no more than 2,000 words. And that’s it. Unlike previous years, there’s no theme for you to base your story on; all you have to do is make sure you’re registered with the website, click on the ‘Enter now’ button and complete our online competition form.’ NON-CASH PRIZE (Cathy’s note: the prize is an Arvon Course, but travel costs there and back aren’t included.)

15th Feb ‘Creative nonfiction authors are invited to submit an essay of up to 5,000 words on the subject of their choice to be considered for the Diana Woods Memorial Award in creative nonfiction.’ PAYING. Details of the award: Where to submit:

15th Feb ‘The Randall Kenan Prize for Black LGBTQ Fiction, in memory of the celebrated author Randall Kenan, honors Black LGBTQ writers of fiction. The award will go to a Black LGBTQ writer whose fiction explores themes of Black LGBTQ life, culture, and/or history. To be eligible, the winner of the prize must have published at least one book and show promise in continuing to produce groundbreaking work.’ PAYING

15th Feb ‘Dedicated to the memory of author and journalist Jim Duggins, this prize honors LGBTQ-identified authors who have published multiple novels, built a strong reputation and following, and show promise to continue publishing high quality work for years to come.’ PAYING

15th Feb ‘Lambda Literary’s Jeanne Córdova Prize for Lesbian/Queer Nonfiction, in memory of the beloved activist and author, honors lesbian/queer-identified women and trans/gender non-conforming nonfiction authors. The award will go to a writer committed to nonfiction work that captures the depth and complexity of lesbian/queer life, culture, and/or history. The winner of the prize will have published at least one book and show promise in continuing to produce groundbreaking and challenging work.’ PAYING

15th Feb ‘The Judith A. Markowitz Award for Emerging LGBTQ Writers (formerly the Dr. Betty Berzon Emerging Writer Award) recognizes LGBTQ-identified writers whose work demonstrates their strong potential for promising careers. The award includes a cash prize of $1,000. Two Emerging LGBTQ Writer prizes are awarded annually.’ PAYING

22nd Feb Canada only: poetry and fiction. PAYING

26th Feb America only: ‘How do authors wish to enact American cultural change? For the Make A Way Book Award, American Editions will publish a polemical nonfiction book-length essay about changing the United States for the better.’ PAYING

28th Feb The Scottish Mental Health Arts Festival is delighted to launch its 2021 Writing Competition, in partnership with Bipolar Scotland. We are seeking entries which address mental health in all its diversity and explore the theme of ‘Normality?’ Poetry, fiction or CNF. EVENT (Cathy’s note: although there’s no prize mentioned as such, there’s a communal event which is held in high esteem (by me, anyway). These are good people doing a good thing, so I’m supporting them, as there aren’t millions of comps this month.)

28th Feb ‘The Little Tokyo Historical Society (LTHS) seeks fictional short stories for its eighth annual Imagine Little Tokyo short story contest in the categories of English language, Japanese language and youth (18 and younger)… The story has to be fictional and set in a current, past or future Little Tokyo in the City of Los Angeles, California.’ PAYING

28th Feb ‘We invite you to invent a word. Not just any word. A word you think will greatly enhance the English language.’ NON-CASH PRIZE

28th Feb Horror story 3.5k-4.8k words (Not including title) on the theme of Duplicity. The author of the first place story will be invited to write a new story for the 2022 “Autumn Nights Charity Anthology” Series. CONTRIBUTOR COPY/COPIES

1st Mar Poetry. ‘ Entries should address the themes of science fiction/fantasy/horror/science.’ PAYING

1st Mar Poets aged 14-18: poem up to 50 lines on a medical subject. NOT SURE


2nd Feb ‘6 poems or just one if it’s a long poem – not too long please! Short articles of a maximum of two A5 pages – but this is flexible. Artwork or photographs preferably with a few words of description. All of the above should be pertinent to the magazine’s brief: Nature and the Spirit – Unity in Diversity.’

7th Feb Speculative Flash fiction on the theme of Blue. PAYS SOME CONTRIBUTORS (Cathy’s note: contributors are paid if their story is used in an anthology.)

8th Feb Horror story of roughly 2000 words on the theme of Newly Discovered Creatures. PAYING

10th Feb Poems and short poetic prose on the theme of Nurturing Hope.

10th Feb Stories and poems on the theme of Affairs. PAYING

11th Feb Fiction and more on the theme of Loneliness.

14th Feb ‘At Couplet Poetry, we publish two poems per author (a couplet). Send us poems that pair, rhyme (literally or figuratively), complement, hold hands, translate, juxtapose, or otherwise can’t live without each other.’

14th Feb Poetry, fiction and more. ‘miniskirt is a destination for love & romance. we want your flirtations, your short & sweet confections. we adore romcom, but if you’ve got something dramatic, send that our way too!’

14th Feb ‘Ample Remains is a new literary journal fixated on the things that remain and live within us. We want the work inspired from the thoughts that refuse to withdraw from the creases of your brain until you translate them into something legible.’ Poetry, fiction, CNF and more.

15th Feb Although they take submissions from anyone, they’re particularly on the lookout for African undergraduates. Poetry, fiction and more.

15th Feb ‘THE SUBMISSION PERIOD FOR ISSUE 43: FOOD X IDENTITY (SPRING-SUMMER 2021) IS NOW OPEN. This is a special issue earmarked for 2SQ+BIPOC artists ONLY. We invite 2SQ+BIPOC artists to submit work on the theme of food and identity.’ Poetry, fiction and more. PAYING

15th Feb Women over 60 only: ‘Short Takes are usually short pieces, fiction or non-fiction (250-500 words), but can also be topical poetry, sometimes even drawings or photography. We’re especially interested in hearing about your experiences, but you can include your thoughts, dreams, ideas and opinions. Humor and irony are always appreciated!’ Theme: Lights at the End of the Tunnel.

15th Feb Poetry and prose on the theme of Dreamscapes.

15th Feb ‘We are looking for poems that speak to ideas around home and body in personal, experimental, and/or topical ways. The poems can range in metaphorical and embodied complexity. For example, the body in question can be the personal/individual body, the communal/community body, the body politic, and/or the synecdochal body.’ PAYING

15th Feb Poetry, essays and more on the theme of Yellow.

15th Feb Short horror story 4000-8000 words on the theme of J is for Jack-o’-Lantern. PAYING

15th Feb Poetry, fiction and more. PAYING

15th Feb Poetry on the theme of Circles. PAYING

20th Feb Lyric essays and prose poetry on the theme of Winter. PAYS ONE CONTRIBUTOR (Cathy’s note: the Editor’s Choice each issue gets $50.)

21st Feb ‘We publish fiction OwnVoices stories in all genres. All works including common triggers will be prefaced by a trigger warning. How we define OwnVoices: an author from a marginalized, persecuted, or under-represented group writing about their own experiences/from their own perspective, rather than someone from an outside perspective writing as a character from an underrepresented group.’

21st Feb Short prose and poems that touch upon the natural world. Theme: Water. PAYING

21st Feb Poetry, fiction and more on the theme of Still Life.

22nd Feb ‘Friends Journal welcomes articles, poetry, art, photographs, and letters from our readers.’ Theme: Generations.

24th Feb ‘Speculative City publishes provocative works that are centered within a cityscape. We are looking for fiction, poetry, and essays within the theme of the magazine’s upcoming issue: sound.’ PAYING

25th Feb ‘For our very first anthology, we’re seeking dread-inspiring stories that take place in 1986—either the 1986 of our reality (Stranger Things) or an alternate version (Tales From the Loop). Bring us back to a simpler, scarier time. Let’s make something radical together.’ 3000-10,000 words. PAYING

27th Feb ‘We are looking for completed speculative stories about positive queer possibility, written in English, which do not use intellectual property currently under copyright by someone other than the author.’ PAYING

28th Feb Theme: Counting Your Blessings. ‘Gratitude is one of the keys to happiness… Stories can be serious or funny, but definitely should be inspirational and heartwarming.’ Stories and poems. PAYING

28th Feb Poetry, fiction and more. (Cathy’s note: Submissions are capped, so submit as early as possible!)

28th Feb Organic Ink vol. 4: poetry.

28th Feb ‘The Storyteller Series is a podcast bringing back classic radio theatre featuring engaging storytelling delivered to you monthly. Full cast productions of original short stories in an audio drama style. All will bring you on an audible journey.’ Story 7000-10,000 words. PAYING

28th Feb ‘Decoded is a story-a-day anthology of queer science fiction, fantasy, and horror by queer authors. We feature speculative writing and comics released to subscribers every day of Pride month.’ PAYING

28th Feb ‘If instruments could speak, what would they say? Join us for our first poetic and collaborative jam session!’ Send poetry between 20-27 lines that includes the provided refrain.

28th Feb 500 word story on the theme of Dragon. CONTRIBUTOR COPY/COPIES

28th Feb Poems and stories on the theme of Cats. PAYING

28th Feb ‘We value vulnerability & intensity in writing, above all else.’ Poetry, flash and more.

28th Feb Poetry and fiction on the theme of Mystery.

28th Feb ‘Between now and February 28, send us art and writing with an underlying social justice theme, or any kind of activist work that you’d like an eclectic audience for. We’ll take submissions of stories, essays, Bandcamp links, visual art, artist talks, performances, instructional videos, comics, poems, and anything else that we can reasonably put into this format.’ PAYING

28th SF, F and H poetry and fiction on the theme of Habitats. PAYING

28th Feb Poetry on the theme of Love.

28th Feb Poetry, fiction and more on the theme of Locus Delicti (the scene of the crime).

28th Feb Poetry, fiction and more including the three elements: chamber, nightshade, confetti.

28th Feb Spec fic on the theme of Battles. PAYING

1st Mar Poetry, fiction and more. PAYING (Cathy’s note: free submissions are capped at 200, so get in early if you can!)

1st Mar Poetry, flash, short fiction and more on the theme of A Postcard from the Past. PAYING (Cathy’s note: those of us outside the USA may submit electronically.)

1st Mar ‘OUT THERE will feature stories written by queer YA authors, about queer teen protagonists! Set in the future (1 day, 1 million years, who knows?!), these stories will explore the last (or next, as the case may be) moment in time.’ PAYING

1st Mar Letters from the Self to the World. ‘How do we reconcile our hopes for peace with our inner turmoil? Shouldn’t we be the first beneficiaries of our peaceful activism efforts?… it is my hope that you accept this invitation, open your heart, and write your unspoken truths. Send us a letter you never thought you’d write, you know, the one you’ve been toying with for years, or sit down and get that “thing” off your chest that can only start with a cathartic ‘Dear X’.

1st Mar Poetry, fiction and more. PAYING

1st Mar Essays, ‘Funny Women’ and more. PAYING

1st Mar ‘Verse of April invites writers and artists of all media to submit to this year’s digital anthology of homage to the poets under the theme Hymn for the Living Poet. A curated selection of poems and visual pieces will be chosen by the editors and re-printed in a limited-edition anthology, set to release in late 2021 from Bouilloire Presse.  The 2021 manifestation of the annual Verse of April installations aims to celebrate the work of contemporary poets, those risking their hours to show us our reflection, those wielding the wisdom of our ancestors to give us today, those conspiring with the future to let us fuse with our greater potential. ‘


(Publishers might not give out their pay rates on their submission pages, so make sure to find them out before signing a contract!)

Rolling deadline: ‘Hindsight is a snapshot of 2020, written by people just like you. We’re soliciting stories from people around the world that capture the lives we lived this year. Stories of grief, pain, isolation, empowerment, and — if you can find it — hope.’

Crime fiction on a variety of themes. PAYING (Cathy’s note: It says that submissions are accepted on a rolling basis, though they include various dates ‘for those who prefer deadlines’!)

‘We seek material that is clear, crisp, clean, and striking in any genre: poetry, short fiction, novel excerpts, essay.’

‘We want: socially engaged cultural criticism; class-sensitive analysis; pieces that point out what’s being avoided or talked around in politics, media, arts, or even academia; upbeat cynicism; un-self-serious screeds; generous takedowns; entries from the margins; fiction; poetry; 1-3 sentence book/ movie/ TV/ art reviews.’

‘The mission of Moving Words is to keep the art of the prose chapbook alive. We are interested in publishing prose in the form of fiction, nonfiction, and hybrid/experimental narratives including long stories and/or illustrated zines (from 15 to 45 pages) and will consider serializing.’ CONTRIBUTOR COPY/COPIES

Poetry and more.

‘Aloka is a volunteer-run online literary magazine for non-native English speakers and all those experimenting with language. Your submissions will brighten our screens and days.’

Crime fiction. ROYALTIES

‘The Post Grad Journal focuses mainly on poetry, but will also consider exceptional works of creative prose or short essays.’ (Cathy’s note: you don’t have to be a postgraduate, or a graduate, to submit!)

‘As a minority-owned, independent publishing company, duopress aims to publish books and gifts that matter. Always looking to create books with a fun spirit and contemporary style, duopress books and gifts are innovative, of high quality, and affordable. We are publishers of children’s books and gift books for all ages, as well as puzzles, flashcards, and games for kids.’

‘We want the poems that don’t really fit elsewhere, those about waking up and walking and how clouds look strange. Even a thought that just bopped across your mind. We accept all variations of poetry.’

‘Because there is, at the moment, only one little blue marble for all of us, our goal is to bring greater awareness of the consequences and potential solutions to anthropogenic climate change. We do this by linking to great content from around the web, and publishing original articles and works of speculative fiction.’ Essays and poetry too. PAYING

‘Off Grid Ink is looking for poetry and short prose from the Women’s Off Grid Community. By ‘off grid’ we mean women who live in vans, sheds, homemade houses or who are rough sleepers, maybe you have a solar panel or perhaps you charge up at the local community centre, some of us are couch surfers or squatters but we have one thing in common that we make our own power.’

‘We are interested in writing that explores the minutiae of life and society. The longer the piece stays in our minds after reading, the better.’ Flash, short fiction, CNF, and more.

‘We live for anarchy and disruption in our form and content. So, if you have a raging case of the lyric I or a hankering for tightly wound sestinas, unless you are committed to breaking that shit and setting it on fire, this might not be the press for you. Before submitting your work, we highly recommend that you take a stroll through our archive to see what really gets us fired up.’ Poetry chapbooks. CONTRIBUTOR COPY/COPIES

‘Interested in prying some sense from our strange present? Send us what you’ve got! The best way to get a feel for what we’re into is by reading previous issues of the magazine (we know, we know), but: we’re looking for fiction (short stories, coherent novel excerpts, anything that might be deemed “flash”), poetry (just no goddamn footnotes, please), criticism of the feather-ruffling sort, reporting that tells the truth but tells it slant, and personal essays that have sentiment but aren’t sentimental.’ PAYING

Flash fiction.

MSS in a variety of genres.

‘We are a nonprofit site that celebrates travel, poetry, photography, nature, and the earth. With travel limited during the pandemic, we are serving as a virtual tour guide, using poems as portals to locations around the world.’

‘Deep Overstock is now currently accepting manuscript submissions by booksellers to ideally be published in late 2021. We accept poetry collections as well as fictional and non-fictional works.’

SF/F fiction. 5k-25k words. PAYING

Poetry, flash and short fiction, and art. ‘We are looking for writing and art that intertwines the marvelous with the mundane and uses it to convey a message. Tell us about the magic that lives at the dinner table; the creatures that walk alongside us unseen; the power that takes hold of individuals when they fight for what they care about.’ PAYING

‘Tough is a crime fiction journal publishing short stories and self-contained novel excerpts of between 1500 words and 7500 words, and occasional book reviews and essays of 1500 words or fewer. We are particularly interested in stories with rural settings.’ PAYING (Cathy’s note: save your work as an RTF document! They insist on this!)

Adult nonfiction MSS.

‘At Blue Minaret we aim to promote a sense of identity among Muslims writers and artists by providing a space for showcasing their talent and networking with each other. We also try to do our part in challenging the typical Islamophobic/colonial/minority narrative around Muslims by offering an alternative portrait through fiction, poetry and art.’

Poetry, fiction, reviews, portraits, and various other interesting categories of writing. SOME CONTRIBUTORS GET ROYALTIES

Dark poetry, flash and short fiction.

Speculative flash and short fiction. PAYING

‘Three Rooms Press publishes full-length (word counts of 65,000+) literary novels, young adult novels, and creative nonfiction. NOTE: At this time we are not accepting submissions for collections of poetry, short stories, or essays. We are focused on publishing a range of voices and books that more fully reflect the diverse society in which we live. We are particularly interested in publishing work of writers from underrepresented communities in terms of sexual identity, ethnicity, gender, disability, and social mobility. Our press is inspired by diversity, dada, punk, and passion: please keep this in mind when submitting.’

Poetry, fiction and more. PAYING

‘Canthius celebrates poetry and prose by women, transgender men, nonbinary, Two-Spirit, and genderqueer/gender non-conforming writers… Whose Pleasure is it Anyway? is a collection of essays, interviews, poems, visual art, film, music, and other multimedia/hybrid works that will explore the feminist pleasures that activate or infuriate us.’

‘We accept submissions of poetry, prose, photography, and art, though we will consider any creative works outside of these genres, as well.’ PAYING

‘We are committed to publishing, above all, authentic perspectives which seeks only to democratize our current discourse however possible. This will be neither a safe-house nor a slum; it is simply a journal devoted to the peculiar notion that the reading life should be more engaging and adventurous than other more mainstream publications often allow.’

‘Give me your cottagecore dreams, your encounters with the fae,
your rural experiences, nature-themed pieces, love stories and hopeless romantic musings, magic realism, and adventures. I also welcome lovely queer romps through the country!Works from LGBTQIA+, Black, Indigenous, and similarly marginalized authors are especially encouraged.’

Cadralore poems. (Cathy’s note: the cadralore is a new form of poem – they explain it on the site.)

Poetry and short prose.

Comps and calls for January 2021

Hello everyone,

Happy New Year!

I’m very glad to say that! If 2020 had been a submission, I’d have rejected it! Anyway – I hope you’re going into 2021 with your health and happiness as intact as possible. Here at Comps-and-Calls Cottage (it’s not really called that. It’s a bungalow for a start) we’re ok, but fed up of the virus, politics, you name it.

Anyway – on to better things! There are some really interesting calls and comps below. I’m hoping that there’s something for everyone. Also – TADA! The new course is starting on Weds the 6th of Jan. Hurrah!

The basics: There will be five weekday evening workshops during which we’ll work on ten different prompts in total. These prompts all relate to real submission calls or competitions! The idea is that when you’ve written your pieces and worked on them, you can submit them to the appropriate calls. You don’t have to – but I hope you will. So you should ideally end up with ten pieces, written, worked on, and submitted (sadly I can’t guarantee acceptances, but the writing, editing and submitting is the part for learning to write like a professional).

Comps and Calls will always be free, but the course will take a lot of my time, so I have to charge for it.

If you want to sign up, you need to do a few things:

  1. Join Facebook, if you aren’t there already.
  2. Pay £49 to me at the following link, carefully keeping a record of your Transaction number:
  3. Go to and click ‘join’
  4. Confirm youir membership if you receive an email asking you about it.

The next bits are optional:

You’re welcome to add me as a friend on Facebook ( if that makes things easier! It’s also quicker if you if you become a fan of Comps and Calls on Facebook: as then I can add you directly to the group.

  1. If you get some sort of confirmation email (eg Did you mean to join Cathy’s Course Jan/Feb 2021?) then please click ‘yes’ or ‘confirm.
  2. Although I’ll be starting the course on Wednesday 6th Jan, those who want to do it but can’t be there from 7-9pm (GMT) on a Weds, can access the info at any time. They might have to wait for answers to questions or personal feedback – that’s the only drawback. Just pick a two hour slot in your own schedule and do everything then.

Please note: membership is capped at 40 (or thereabouts) so that I can ensure personal attention for each person.

Special admiration goes to those who’ve read this far. That is exactly the type of dedication that will help you to improve your writing and get it out there, whether you take the course or not!

Best wishes and stay safe,

Cathy x

Here are some writing competitions and calls for submission, all with free, electronic entry.

As usual I’m passing these on in good faith but mistakes may be made, so do check all the submission guidelines carefully. Any info in quotes comes from the website itself and any dates at the start are deadlines. Also, I don’t know the sources personally, so do check them out for yourselves.

There are three headings (click/tap to jump straight to them):

If you aren’t a submitter (why not? Nothing to lose! Rejection is something we all share!) then the themes can make great writing prompts/exercises.

Although I mention only fiction or poetry, many publications accept non-fiction, art or other forms, so do check if interested. Good luck and do let me know of successes! The links are in the comments, and any dates at the start are deadlines.

Where possible, I have marked the relevant entries with ‘paying’, ‘contributor copy’ etc. However, you are best off checking the info for yourselves as I am not infallible and the info isn’t always available or clear. Please be aware that a contributor copy may be in print or digital format. Also, some publications offer several things, eg payment as well as a contributor copy. Where this is the case, I have assumed that payment is enough of an incentive, so I haven’t listed everything. It’s a rough guide and should be treated as such.


2nd Jan United States, the District of Columbia or Canada (excluding Quebec): Mystery novel set in the Southwestern USA. PAYING (LOTS)

4th Jan Poetry, fiction and nonfiction on the theme of Home. PAYING

6th Jan ‘Spectator Competition No. 3181: nay sayers. This year’s Booker Prize winner Shuggie Bain was turned down by 32 publishers. You are invited to submit a publisher’s rejection letter of a well-known literary classic. Please email entries of up to 150 words to by midday on 6 January.’ (Cathy’s note: scroll down for the comp, though I love to read the entries to previous comps – they are always clever and witty.)

13th Jan Spectator Competition No. 3182: over to the dark side. You are invited to rewrite a famous piece of light verse as a poem with a dirge-like, hieratic (ie. solemn and ponderous) tone. Please email entries of up to 16 lines to by midday on 13 January. We are now paying winners by cheque, unless you state on your entry that you would prefer to be paid by bank transfer.’s note: scroll down for the comp, though I love to read the entries to previous comps – they are always clever and witty.)

14th Jan Poetry or fiction on the theme of Festive Fright. PAYING (thanks to for this one)

15th Jan Flash fiction. PAYING’s note: there are free submission slots available if enough people have used the ‘tip jar’ option. At the time of writing this, there are two free submission slots available. Good luck!)

17th Jan ‘Discoveries invites all unpublished women writers aged 18 and up, residing in the UK or Ireland and writing in English, to submit their works of fiction to the Discoveries Prize. The prize doesn’t require writers to have finished a novel – only to have started one.’ PAYING

18th Jan ‘The Nine Dots Prize is a prize for creative thinking that tackles contemporary societal issues. Entrants are asked to respond to a question in 3,000 words, with the winner receiving US$100,000 to write a short book expanding on their ideas. The question for 2020/21 is: What does it mean to be young in an ageing world?’ PAYING (LOTS!)

29th Jan US only: ‘Since 2012, Zócalo has awarded the prize annually to the U.S. poet whose poem best evokes a connection to place. “Place” may be interpreted in many ways, be it of historical, cultural, political, or personal importance; the landscape may also be literal, imaginary, or metaphorical.’ PAYING

31st Jan UK only, over 90 only: writing on the theme of Childhood Memories. PAYING (thanks to for this one)

31st Jan An unpublished piece of prose, plus various other things. PAYING (thanks to for this one)

31st Jan ‘An original, fictional unpublished piece of writing themed around all aspects of the pandemic including “lockdown” and what has become for us all the “new normal”.’ There are four categories this year: fiction and nonfiction; poetry; interviews; art and photography. You must be the author of the submitted entry and must have been born, live or have lived, study or have studied, work or have worked, in the historical or modern county of Cheshire. For the purposes of the Competition, Cheshire is deemed to include the Wirral, as well as Warrington and Halton. PAYING

1st Feb ‘We are looking for the best new novels in crime, mystery, and thriller, and are asking entrants to submit the first 5,000 words of their manuscripts, along with a 150 word ‘elevator pitch’. We will choose the best 20-30 entries, and compile them into the Crucible Chapbook, which will be sent to a list of agents and agencies.’ NON-CASH PRIZE

1st Feb ‘Free to enter, the Prize is open to writers who have yet to publish a full-length work or have a literary agent. To enter the Prize, please send us an unpublished piece of life writing that is up to 5000 words. This can be a stand-alone piece or the beginning extract of a larger piece of writing. For the purposes of this Prize, life writing is ‘intended to be true’, reflects someone’s own life journey or experiences and is not fiction. It is writing from the author’s own personal experience.’ PAYING


Soon! – Poetry, fiction and more. (Cathy’s note: Although the deadline is technically over a month away, they have a quota for submissions. At the time of writing – it’s still 2020 – that quota has already been filled up to 42%. So if you can, get your submission in as soon as possible!)

3rd Jan LGBTQIA+ writers only: ‘The Fallen Gods Anthology is your invitation to explore a world where queer gods tell dramatic stories. We want to read about gods in same-gender relationships where one deity is defeated or bested by some means and the surviving god’s tale results in the loss of their divine grace. Maybe they gave in to anguish and lost their divine spark.’ 10,000-15,000 words. PAYING

3rd Jan ‘We are looking for reviews, interviews, articles, essays, listicles, and short stories focused around Women in Horror, up to 3K words. We will be prioritising #OwnVoices content for this, but are happy to review submissions from allies as well.’

3rd Jan ‘Divination Hollow will be dedicating February 2021 to Black History in Horror, alongside our Women in Horror Month content. We are open to submissions from November 12th 2020 until January 3rd 2021. We are looking for reviews, interviews, articles, essays, listicles, and short stories, up to 3K words. We will be prioritising #OwnVoices content for this, but are happy to review submissions from allies as well.’

3rd Jan ‘The theme for Issue Five is Astrology. We want your pieces that talk about all things astrology and the zodiac signs. If you wrote a piece about your Cancer ex, this is the Issue for you…Send poetry, micro poems, visual poetry, and photography submissions.’ PAYING

3rd Jan ‘We are open for submissions for issue 4 now! Send your work related to the theme of ‘aging’ with a short ready-to-print bio by January 3rd at midnight. It can be aging as a human, the world aging, nature aging etc, this is completely open to the artists (sic) interpretation!’

5th Jan Fiction and more on the theme of Redemption. PAYING

8th Jan 500-1500 words in any Fantasy or Science Fiction style, on the theme of Secret Power.

8th Jan ‘In the Twisted Love Anthology, gothic horror and romance stories take on new depths and terrifying outcomes when happily ever after is no longer an option. Jazz House wants to read your twisted, dark, and despairing stories about romantic and gothic horror and the people who find love to have a bitter aftertaste. This is a Valentine’s Day-themed anthology, so please incorporate this holiday’s themes and aesthetics in your twisted tales.’ 7000-9000 words. PAYING

8th Jan ‘Mae gwasg Arachne Press yn eich gwahodd i gynnig cerddi gwreiddiol sy’n gysylltiedig efo’r A470 ar gyfer blodeugerdd. Ar hyn o bryd nid oes ond angen mynegi diddordeb, er mwyn ein galluogi i wneud cais am nawdd.’ ‘Expressions of interest only at this stage, so that we can make a clear proposal to funders… Arguably the most famous road in Wales, the A470 is 186 miles from shore to shore through the backbone of Wales, linking north to south. Peaceful and picturesque or slow and never-ending, what does the A470 mean to you? …We want unpublished poems from Welsh poets wherever you are, and all other poets living in Wales. We are looking for the unanticipated: sensitive poems, or poems that challenge, in traditional forms and new forms.’

9th Jan Poetry, fiction and more on the theme of mermaids and other merfolk. PAYING

10th Jan ‘…For Planet Scumm #11: Snake Eyes, we’re asking for submissions from cisgender women, transgender women, transgender men, non-binary people, and genderqueer people. We kindly ask authors who don’t identify along those lines to not submit to this call.’ SF, spec/weird fiction. PAYING

10th Jan Speculative flash fiction on the theme of Green. PAYS SOME CONTRIBUTORS (Cathy’s note: contributors are paid if their story is used in an anthology.)

10th Jan ‘The Ghastling is a biannual magazine publishing literary fiction and illustration devoted to psychological horror, folk horror, ghost stories and the macabre… There is no official theme for this one, however, stories that embrace the Unlucky Number or any aspect of Lucky/Unlucky will find themselves repelled of the jinx. For now…’ PAYING

11th Jan Horror story of roughly 2000 words on the theme of Lost Civilisations. PAYING

11th Jan Fiction and more on the theme of Friendship.

11th Jan Poetry, flash, short fiction and more on the theme of Out of this World.

15th Jan UK BME authors and poets: ‘We have an application for funding in with ACE, so at the moment all we want is an expression of interest – your name and contact details, and any writing credits, whether you are a poet or fiction writer (or both!) and if you want, your idea for what you will write… Arachne Press is hoping to publish an anthology of fiction and poetry from UK resident writers of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic heritage. We are aiming for publication in Autumn 2021. We will pay royalties. Once published in an Arachne anthology you may be invited to submit a collection/novel.’

15th Jan Poems. ‘THEMES: Racial Justice; Feminism, Dismantling Militarism; Universal Healthcare; Disability Rights; Mass Incarceration; Global Citizenship; Climate Justice; Grassroots Green Themes; Confronting US Empire; Cross-cultural Understanding; Community Building, LGBTQ Liberation, Economic Justice, Workers Rights, Indigenous Sovereignty and more.’ PAYING (Thanks to for this.)

15th Jan ‘Request for Submissions of Art & Poetry by ALL Women and Femmes (LBTQ2IAA) Seeking Inspirational Work that Promotes Activism and/or Healing.’ PAYING

15th Jan Poetry and prose. CONTRIBUTOR COPY/COPIES, PAYS SOME CONTRIBUTORS (Cathy’s note: Payment is available only for American contributors.)

15th Jan Flash, short fiction and poetry on the theme of Unusual Vampires. PAYING

15th Jan ‘We publish new, previously unpublished work that engages with the natural world. We have a particular interest in work which encourages reflection on human interaction with plant and animal life, landscape and the self. Each issue includes a mix of poetry and fiction, alongside a selection of essays which may include creative non-fiction, criticism, and the occasional review of new creative work or of community-based environmental projects.’ PAYING

15th Jan Poetry, prose and more on the theme of Cycle & Circumstance.

15th Jan ‘Emily Dickinson wrote poems on torn-off envelope flaps then used them for bookmarks. In the end, bless her, she saved most of them together in a drawer. Have you ever lost your keys, your way, your faith, your mind, your rent money… and then found them again? Or did you find something else? Send us your best Lost and Found stories of approximately 50 words.’ (Cathy’s note: I can’t find any mention of getting a contributor copy on the website, though I’m fairly sure that they send one. However, I might be wrong! Either way, they’re good, cool people with a really interesting litmag.)

15th Jan ‘Unfettered Hexes: Queer Tales of Insatiable Darkness will be a speculative anthology that explores the boundaries between queer witches, the profane, and infinite darkness. Unfettered Hexes asks you to sling salt in a circle, call the corners, and breathe life into the unutterable cadences that call forth the void. Find your coven, craft new rituals and hex your enemies. For this anthology, we use the term “witch” in the broadest sense, paying homage to ritual practices, razor-sharp intent, and connections to the eldritch, the numinous and the otherworldly.’ PAYING

15th Jan ‘filling Station is calling for submissions from Black, Indigenous, and POC writers and artists from Turtle Island and beyond for Issue 76 which will be guest edited by Canisia Lubrin (author of Voodoo Hypothesis and the The Dyzgraphxst). We invite stories, poems, and art on all themes, but would particularly like to see experimental submissions of celebration in all its forms, stories about the future, innovative creative non-fiction, and experimental and speculative poetry, and artwork.’ PAYING

16th Jan Black women only: ‘I’m Speaking Now: Black Women Share Their Truth in 101 Stories of Love, Courage and Hope…We’re looking for everything from the serious to the silly. There will be 101 stories, so we can go wide and deep, and we’d like to share stories from Black women of all ages, from late teens to women in their nineties.’ PAYING

18th Jan Fiction and more on the theme of Black Lives Matter.

25th Jan Horror story of roughly 2000 words on the theme of Government Experiments. PAYING

26th Jan ‘Who: All writers who call Scotland their home, irrespective of place of birth or ethnicity. All levels welcome (unpublished, published, solo or agented). What to submit: Novellas only, standalone, original and not previously published. Speculative fiction, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy (and their sub-genres).’

31st Jan UK Deaf poets, authors, editors: ‘At the moment all we want is an expression of interest – your name and contact details, any writing credits or performance of your own work. If you have an idea for a theme for the anthology please make suggestions… Arachne Press is hoping to publish an anthology of d/Deaf fiction and poetry in Autumn 2021. We will pay royalties. Lisa Kelly (co-editor of Magma 69, The Deaf Issue; co-Chair of Magma Poetry, first collection A Map Towards Fluency published by Carcanet) will be one of the editors, and we are looking for another Deaf editor who is fluent in BSL, ideally someone who writes fiction rather than poetry.’

31st Jan ‘At 34 Orchard, we like dark, intense pieces that speak to a deeper truth. We’re not genre-specific; we just like scary, disturbing, unsettling, and sad.’ PAYING

31st Jan Writing and artwork created in 2020.

31st Jan Poetry. ‘We’ve made the decision to extend the deadline for submissions to our inaugural Poetry Anthology, Spheres and Canticles, from the end of this month to January 31, 2021. The anthology will be released in April, during National Poetry Month.’ Theme: Wholeness. CONTRIBUTOR COPY+ ROYALTIES

31st Jan Fiction 5000-15,000 on the theme of Valiance. ‘With no limitation on genre, the only special requirement for this anthology is that an East Asian female warrior be the main character in each of these stories.’ ROYALTIES

31st Jan ‘We look for imagistic, suggestive poems, following the idea of ‘less is more’ and publish vivid poems that avoid cliché and have subtlety. We recommend that you read our previous editions before submitting and also read up on imagism. Narrative poems are rarely published here. The poems should not exceed ten lines long.’

31st Jan Poetry, prose and more.

31st Jan Poetry, fiction and more. In hopes of combatting some of the isolation caused by the pandemic, Detour Ahead is offering a platform where we can learn, listen and be inspired by one another.

31st Jan 500 word story on the theme of Hell. CONTRIBUTOR COPY/COPIES

31st Jan ‘Monsters are many things. They come in all forms, shapes and sizes: from to the tiny to the titanic; from amorphous blobs to many limbed (or tentacled) monstrosities; from supernatural demons to man-made terrors. This is a loosely themed anthology. Just use that word – monster – and run with it.’ 3000-6000 words. PAYING

31st Jan Poetry, fiction and more on the theme of Pandemic. CONTRIBUTOR COPY/COPIES

31st Jan Mythology fiction 4000-15,000 words on the theme of Extraordinary. PROFIT/REVENUE SHARING MODEL

31st Jan poetry, prose and more on the theme of March.

31st Jan Poetry on the theme of Kerouac’s Highway Gone Wrong. CONTRIBUTOR COPY/COPIES

1st feb Theme: Every Mother is a Futurist. ‘For our fourth issue, Raising Mothers is seeking poetry, short fiction, essays, art, multimedia, and hybrid work by Black, Indigenous, or POC and colonized people of color that speak to the layered intricacies of parenthood from the perspective of the parent or the (now adult) child.’

1st Feb Prose and poetry.

1st Feb Writing on the theme of Lovers.

1st Feb Story 2000-4000 words on the theme of Wraith. CONTRIBUTOR COPY/COPIES

1st Feb Poetry, fiction and nonfiction on the theme of For Sale.

1st Feb Fiction (and occasionally poetry) 300-5000 words starting with the line: ‘Darryl slid three quarters into the vending machine and weighed his options.’ PAYING

1st Feb Poetry, prose and more on the theme of Apocalypse. ‘What we don’t want: mushroom clouds, zombies, dystopian futures, or anything else we’ve already seen in countless books, movies, and television shows.’ PAYING


(Publishers might not give out their pay rates on their submission pages, so make sure to find them out before signing a contract!)

‘Justice Involved Mothers is a Raising Mothers’ column devoted to the authentic personal narratives of Black, Indigenous and POC mothers who were and/or are incarcerated, under parole, or under probation. Curated and edited by counter-storyteller and felon Nicole Shawan Junior, Justice-Involved Mothers is authored by the spectrum of mothers affected by the criminal justice system.’ PAYING

‘We are interested in hearing about new projects, and would be happy to read brief pitches for finished novels and for historical narratives aimed at general readers.’

Fiction and poetry. (Cathy’s note: there’s a competition too, but that has an entry fee. It’s free to submit normally, though.)

Romance and Adult Fantasy, and Short Story Anthology submissions.

Open until filled: ‘ We are looking for stories and poetry about Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring and the folklore surrounding them along with all other associated correspondence.’ CONTRIBUTOR COPY/COPIES

Open until filled: ‘We are looking for Fantasy stories from all fantasy sub genres except Sci-fi. Authors can have 7 acceptances.’ CONTRIBUTOR COPY/COPIES

Comps and calls for December 2020

Hello everyone,

It’s the busiest Comps and Calls month of the year! There are always loads of opportunities in December, and fewer people submit or enter because they’re so busy. Do try to find time to write, and to send off some of your writing. Just an hour here and there. Explain to any spouses (spice?!) or children that this is important. Bribe them as necessary.

As usual I’m in a chaotic mess. I was once chatting about this with a therapist, and she said that most people are either overwhelmed with chaos and too many tasks, or don’t have enough to do, and feel that life is passing them by. It’s very hard to find a good balance. Most writers would tell you some simple fixes (“Prioritise!”) at this point. Well, I’ve been working on this, but what I’ve discovered is that I like a chaotic flurry. 🙂 So I’m not going to tell you what to do!

Speaking of activity… My writing and submission course will start in the New Year, and sign-up details will be available on 1st January in the next edition of Comps and Calls. I’ve been preparing some of the material, and it’s very exciting (for me anyway)! The idea is that we’ll have a workshop on two certain themes each week – for poetry and fiction – and that these themes will be from actual submission opportunities or writing competitions. So at the end of the course (five weeks, two hours each week) you should have ten pieces of writing, and ten places to send that writing. You won’t be forced to submit though! You’ll need to be on Facebook and pay via Paypal (including via any debit/credit card), and the cost for the whole course will be £49.

Love to you all, and many thanks especially to those who have got in touch or donated. You’re a very talented lot!

Whatever you celebrate or don’t celebrate at this time of year, lots of love, and I hope you come out the other side feeling happy and well, with plenty of submissions and comp entries in the bag.

Best wishes and stay safe,

Cathy x

Here are some writing competitions and calls for submission, all with free, electronic entry.

As usual I’m passing these on in good faith but mistakes may be made, so do check all the submission guidelines carefully. Any info in quotes comes from the website itself and any dates at the start are deadlines. Also, I don’t know the sources personally, so do check them out for yourselves.

There are three headings (click/tap to jump straight to them):

If you aren’t a submitter (why not? Nothing to lose! Rejection is something we all share!) then the themes can make great writing prompts/exercises.

Although I mention only fiction or poetry, many publications accept non-fiction, art or other forms, so do check if interested. Good luck and do let me know of successes! The links are in the comments, and any dates at the start are deadlines.

Where possible, I have marked the relevant entries with ‘paying’, ‘contributor copy’ etc. However, you are best off checking the info for yourselves as I am not infallible and the info isn’t always available or clear. Please be aware that a contributor copy may be in print or digital format. Also, some publications offer several things, eg payment as well as a contributor copy. Where this is the case, I have assumed that payment is enough of an incentive, so I haven’t listed everything. It’s a rough guide and should be treated as such.


2nd Dec Spectator Competition No. 3178: what the dickens. ‘You are invited to submit an extract from a Dickensian novel based around the name of someone in political life. Please email entries of up to 150 words to by midday on 2 December. (Cathy’s note: scroll down to find the comp.)

4th Dec Spectator Competition ‘No. 3179: singular sonnets. You are invited to submit a Christmas hit single (please specify) rewritten as a sonnet. Please email entries to by midday on 4 December.’ PAYING (Cathy’s note: scroll down to find the comp.)

4th Dec ‘The Sunday Times Audible Short Story Award is the richest prize for a single short story in the English language, worth £30,000 to the winner. The award, for a story of 6,000 words or less, is open to any novelist or short story writer from around the world who has been published in the UK or Ireland.’ PAYING (LOTS!)

15th Dec Poem. PAYING

15th Dec Flash fiction inspired by the provided image. PAYING

15th Dec ‘The Roswell Award international short science fiction story competition accepts entries from emerging writers age 16 and older.’ PAYING

15th Dec The Women Hold Up Half the Sky Award. ‘This award recognizes a science fiction story that embraces feminist themes and has a female protagonist. Top entries will exemplify excellence in feminist storytelling, while capturing the complexities of their characters. The winner will receive print publication in Artemis Journal… Additional prizes for the winning story will be announced.’ 500-1500 words. PRIZES (UNKNOWN WHAT)

31st Dec Poem. PAYING

31st Dec Flash fiction. ‘Holiday Season Offer: Entries received within the month of December 2020 will be eligible for submission fee waivers if the designated dialogue prompt (“What a time to be alive!”) is used. Please ignore the payment page during your submission process if your submission is eligible for the Holiday Season Offer.’ ‘We are looking for fiction that will appeal to young readers from age 11 and even to full-on grown-ups.’ PAYING

31st Dec Drabble on the theme of Dead of Winter. PAYING

1st Jan Travel writing up to 500 words. CONTRIBUTOR COPY/COPIES


2nd Dec ‘HASH is a literary journal that regularly publishes new fiction, nonfiction, poetry, interviews, book/movie/record reviews, and original artwork, on the world wide web. We publish pieces that are culturally observant, humorous, and a little offbeat. We look for emotional honesty and unique perspectives.’ (Cathy’s note: I’ve found conflicting deadlines on the website, so I’ve posted the earliest, just to be on the safe side.)

5th Dec ‘Defenestration is a humor magazine. We don’t worry about the particulars of genre, style, or form as long as the work is funny. What exactly constitutes as “funny” varies from person to person, but we try to publish a wide range of humor, from the ridiculous to the satirical, and everything in between.’ (Cathy’s note: there’s also a really good list here of plots that they’ve seen too often. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t write these things – I have a story about someone trying to elude Death that is unaccountably (ahem) unpublished – but be aware that there are loads of them out there.)

5th Dec ‘Adventure Fiction places emphasis on protagonists with agency, feats of daring, and the sense of discovery. These traits are not necessarily confined by time or place, though we are interested in fiction grounded to Earth as a setting.’ 5000-7000 words. PAYING

6th Dec ‘Project#6 is all about that intricate emotion called Love. Yes, this is going to be an anthology of romance and it will be released on… you guessed it, February 14, 2021. Here are some guidelines to get you started. Word limit: 1500 to 3000 words. Please stay within the word limit. Any story exceeding the word limit will be summarily rejected.’

7th Dec Horror story of roughly 2000 words on the theme of Secret Messages. PAYING

7th Dec Writing on the theme of Cycles.

12th Dec ‘We want to hear love stories that are outside of the conventional narrative: the ones that don’t get told.’

13th Dec Poetry on the theme of Christmas. ‘It can be anything to do with Christmas in the country or region in which you are based, or about Christmases you have experienced in the past. However, this is a feel-good publication through these bleak and challenging times, so only positive contributions please – nothing negative about this celebration!’ CONTRIBUTOR COPY/COPIES

13th Dec Writers aged 13-19 only: story on the theme of Change the World. PAYING

14th Dec ‘TL;DR Press is proud to announce the call for submissions for Hope, a collection of forward-looking, positive short stories and poetry, to benefit Action Against Hunger.’ CHARITY/GOOD CAUSE, CONTRIBUTOR COPY/COPIES (Cathy’s note: remember that contributor copies are sometimes print, or, as in this case, electronic.)

14th Dec Poetry, fiction and more on the theme of States of Mind. PAYING

15th Dec Submissions open today: themed poetry, fiction and CNF.

15th Dec Anthology for Preteens: ‘We’re collecting up-to-date stories written by preteens, teens, and men and women under age 35. We want these stories to represent how the world is today for preteens, and we’re hoping for stories about the pandemic, technology, social media, and other modern-day concerns.’ Poems and stories. PAYING

15th Dec Anthology for Teenagers: ‘We’re collecting up-to-date stories written by teens and men and women under age 35. We want these stories to represent how the world is today for teenagers, and we’re hoping for stories about the pandemic, technology, social media, and other modern-day concerns.’ Poems and stories. PAYING

15th Dec or until filled:  Horror 600-2000 words. CHARITY/GOOD CAUSE

15th Dec Poetry and prose on the theme of Wretched Citizens. PAYING

15th Dec ‘We want to zero in on the individual stories, zoom in on the quiet day to day. Press pause on the news cycle and the reel of horror. What are you learning about yourself? What are you seeing in the world? What losses have gripped you? What does 2020 look like from your own kitchen window?’

15th Dec Speculative poetry on the theme of Travel. PAYING

15th Dec  ‘Our Capsule Stories Spring 2021 Edition theme is In Bloom. We’re looking for stories, poems, and essays that feel spring-y and burst with life.’

15th Dec Poetry and short stories on the theme of Chance.

15th Dec ‘This book is seeking dark fiction short stories about haunted buildings (excluding houses) around the globe.’ 1500-4500 words. PAYING (Cathy’s note: there’s a list of countries excluded, as stories set in those countries are already provided. Make sure that your story is set somewhere else!)

15th Dec ‘Ancient Paths publishes poetry, flash fiction, photography, and artwork. We do not publish articles or devotions. We welcome works by contributors of all religions, but you should be comfortable with having your work appear in a predominantly Christian publication.’ Christmas and Epiphany Themes. PAYING

18th Dec ‘Issue 1 is due in early 2021, and we are calling for submissions of art, poetry, prose, and essays. The magazine will be published for a limited physical run and online. In place of a theme we have decided to use a scent, for issue one this will be ‘liquorice’. We are looking for strange works that make you feel dizzy, out of place, or out of time.’ CONTRIBUTOR COPY/COPIES

20th Dec ‘The Ethicist accepts all written/creative work regardless of genre including but not limited to: creative nonfiction, essays, op-eds, fiction of all genres, poetry, and experimental or genre bending work. The only requirement for consideration of publication is that the writing have some connection to one’s faith/belief tradition or lack thereof (including interfaith activity).’

21st Dec Poetry, flash, short fiction and more on the theme of Inner Spaces. PAYING

21st Dec ‘Friends Journal welcomes articles, poetry, art, photographs, and letters from our readers.’ Theme: Pandemic at one year.

24th Dec 500 word fiction on the theme of Haunt. CONTRIBUTOR COPY/COPIES

25th Dec ‘The idea of resurrection or reincarnation exists in many cultures around the world. In this anthology, we will focus on the ideas and concepts of reincarnation or resurrection and the complications that may or may not occur with it.’ 1000-7000 words. PAYING

30th Dec ‘We are seeking morally ambiguous stories with the fantasy, horror, sci-fi, and contemporary fiction genres surrounding the theme of survival.’ Up to 12,000 words. PAYING

30th Dec Poetry, fiction and more on the theme of LGBTQ+.


31st Dec LGBTQ+ romance over 12,000 words on the theme of Sports. ROYALTIES

31st Dec ‘There are so many ways you can explore “LOST CONTACT”. Go wild with it. And, since this is the final entry of our LOST trilogy — Lost Signal and Lost Films being the previous two entries — it would be to your benefit to include TECHNOLOGY of some kind in the submission you write, whatever that might mean to you. The stories need to be deeply rooted in the horror genre, but if it also contains flavors of weird science fiction, that would be pretty fuckin’ radical.’ 1000-7000 words. PAYING

31st Dec Theme: Resist with every inch and every breath. ‘Stories of resistance and rebellion, but also of the steps in between and the change that comes after.’ Up to 15,000 words. PAYING

31st Dec Nonfiction poetry on the theme of Asia.

31st Dec Poetry of Iran and its diaspora.

31st Dec Poetry on the theme of Explore.

31st Dec ‘Military ACTION-BASED horror, themed around religion and/or religious-based conflict. Think the Crusades, Europe’s Thirty Years War, The Troubles in Northern Ireland (but with unnatural monsters)… anything that can be considered a high-action monster story based around a conflict (overt or covert) of religion. For level of unnatural creature we will give priority to, think Dog Soldiers or Aliens. We want lots of monster goodness.’

31st Dec ‘Irreantum publishes literary work of high quality that resonates with Mormon experience.’ Poetry, fiction, drama and more on the theme of Hope & Healing.

31st Dec “Volume 2: Covid-19 Edition is a collection of essays about the human spirit looking unflinchingly at death. It’s about doctors and nurses who risked infection to care for the dying gasping for air. It’s about patients battling for their lives. And it’s about ordinary people discovering extraordinary pockets of light in a time of darkness. If you have a Covid-19 story that involves discovering unexpected joy, radiance, or light…please send your submission.” CONTRIBUTOR COPY/COPIES

31st Dec Essay about Modern Love. PAYING

31st Dec Short horror story 4000-8000 words on the theme of I is for Internet. PAYING

31st Dec Poetry on the theme of Nostalgia.’Funny, sad, uplifting, insightful, or just general observations, you can write about anything to do with CHILDHOOD; your own experiences of childhood and growing up, or those of your loved ones and the children around you.’ CONTRIBUTOR COPY/COPIES

31st Dec ‘We are interested in work that shows collaboration among multiple individuals or entities. This could be what you’d most expect–work between writers, artists, or musicians–but could also be a “collaboration” with elements of nature, other literature or art, or beyond. Your imagination is limitless as to how this particular call may be interpreted.’ CONTRIBUTOR COPY/COPIES

31st Dec Poetry. PAYING

31st Dec Poetry on the theme of Glimmer.

31st Dec Fiction on the theme of Creature Lore Swap. (Cathy’s note: although it’s described as a contest, this doesn’t qualify as a comp under comps and calls rules, as the prize is publication and royalties. It’s a perfectly good call though!)

31st Dec ‘So let’s celebrate writers writing about writers. Let’s self-indulge in those characters that are stumbling through publishing life with their anecdotal tales of what writing life is really like—be it erratic, bizarre, and wildly inspirational.’ Poetry, fiction and more.

31st Dec ‘Once again, Grace&Victory is looking for comfy, cozy, low-fi stories for our next anthology. What do we mean by “low-fi”? Stories with low stakes and small rewards, little triumphs, happy chances…We have a strong preference for speculative fiction, however slight the spec-fic elements may be. Off-world, secondary world, alternate history, far-future, they’re all good. We want stories that make you happy—yes, you.’ PAYING

31st Dec Poetry on the theme of Unknown.

31st Dec ‘Themed submissions form for short stories, flash fiction, and poetry. Current Theme: Relationships “I’d love to be the light that finds you.” ‘

31st Dec Poetry, flash and more on the theme of Ending.

1st Jan Poetry. PAYING

1st Jan ‘We accept photography, art, comics, creative nonfiction, fiction, flash fiction, experimental work, and poetry.’ ‘The optional theme for the next issue is: Significant Phone Calls, Texts, and Letters.’’s note: the deadline isn’t clear on the website, but another source gives it as 1st Jan. In this case, as always when there’s doubt, get your work sent as soon as possible!)

1st Jan Writing on the theme of My Deep Love of Place.

1st Jan Fiction on the theme of Lycanthropy. PAYING


(Publishers might not give out their pay rates on their submission pages, so make sure to find them out before signing a contract!)

Three-line poetry on the theme of Holiday. PAYING

SF, F or H novel.

Canada only: feminist MSS. Fiction and nonfiction.

‘FORMA contemplates ancient ideas for contemporary people, both online and in print. Whether we’re reviewing a new mystery novel, sharing new original poetry, or publishing critical essays, we’re trying to determine what classical thought can offer modern mankind. We’re looking back, even if the past seems backward. We publish original essays, reviews, interviews, and poetry.’ PAYING

‘Gill Books welcomes unsolicited proposals from first time and experienced authors alike. Please note that we only accept proposals for works of non-fiction and children’s; we do not publish adult fiction, poetry, short stories or plays. In general we focus on books of Irish interest.’ ROYALTIES

‘We’re looking to publish poetry, essays on the reading and composition of poetry, and interviews with readers and writers of poetry directed at an English-reading audience.’

‘If we put all our diverse and different stories, we can create a knowledgeable and authentic portrayal of our world, creating a beautiful Chaotic Merge.’ Poetry, fiction and more.

Poetry, fiction and more. PAYS ONE CONTRIBUTOR (Cathy’s note: Each month, they pick one contributor to receive $10.)

Draw Down the Moon. ‘We are accepting submissions for the next Short Story Anthology! This collection, that takes its title from a line in Sextus Propertius’s Book I, Love Poems to Cynthia, evokes the mystery and tension of romance. Stories may evolve along a theme of romantic love, in all its rawness, oddity, and power, although this does not have to be the primary focus of the story.’ CONTRIBUTOR COPY+ ROYALTIES (Cathy’s note: they say that they’ll make final decisions by the end of April, so although the Submittablelink shows a deadline of May 1st, I’d get your submissions in much sooner than that, if possible!)

‘”Land Beyond the World” Magazine is a fan-run publication for speculative short  fiction, primarily in the fantasy and science fiction genres.’ PAYING

‘Pollux is open to submissions from all genres, including but not limited to poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, concrete poetry, and hybrid genre… As a literary journal dedicated to multilinguality, Pollux seeks to be home both to work that are multilingual themselves (written in two or more languages, including English) or centered around multilinguality (work in English that is about being or learning to become multilingual).’

‘We (and our faithful dog, Aggie) are searching for previously unpublished humor pieces in any style (except for fake news/Onion pieces) within 100–700 words.’ PAYING

‘Earth & Altar is a blog/magazine for and by catholic and reformed Christians of all denominations who see an expansively conceived credal orthodoxy as fully compatible with LGBTQ inclusion, gender equality, and racial justice. You will find reflections on theology, history, liturgy, preaching, spirituality, church practice, and the arts that are accessible to the thoughtful non-specialist for the good of the church and God’s mission in the world.’