Comps and Calls for June 2015

Here are June 2015’s writing competitions and calls for submission, all with free, electronic entry. I’m passing these on in good faith but mistakes may be made, so do check all the submission guidelines carefully. Any info in quotes comes from the website itself and any dates at the start are deadlines. Also, I don’t know the sources personally, so do check them out for yourselves.

There are three headings (click to jump straight to them):

If you aren’t a submitter (why not? Nothing to lose! Rejection is something we all share!) then the themes can make great writing prompts/exercises.

Although I mention only fiction or poetry, many publications accept non-fiction, art or other forms, so do check if interested. Good luck and do let me know of successes!


Monthly: What would you like written on your tombstone? Twelve words or fewer.

5th June Full-length play (Cathy’s note: I think that this is UK-only, but I can’t find a list of rules anywhere – it might be worth havng a go anyway).

7th Jun UK and Ireland only: flash fiction up to 300 words inspired by one of the provided illustrations.

7th Jun UK only, children aged 5-11: story up to 500 words including the word ‘birthday’, with three possible endings.

8th Jun Share your family’s First World War story (Cathy’s note: it doesn’t say UK only, but the prizes include a day with a genealogist and subscriptions to Findmypast Britain, so it seems UK orientated).

10th Jun ‘You are invited to supply a poem incorporating a dozen cricketing terms. Please email entries of up to 16 lines to by midday on 10 June.’

12th June Scottish residency for a poet (paid). Applicants must work in Scotland and have their principal home in Scotland.

15th Jun ‘ For Hospital Drive’s first ever poetry and prose contest, we are seeking submissions that explore the idea of “Identity” within the context of health care.’

15th June Poetry and fiction by marginalised and disabled writers on the theme of Impossible Things.

15th June ‘The Norton Writer’s Prize will be awarded annually for an outstanding essay written by an undergraduate. Literacy narratives, literary and other textual analyses, reports, profiles, evaluations, arguments, memoirs, proposals, mixed-genre pieces, and more: any excellent writing done for an undergraduate writing class will be considered.’

15th Jun Flash fiction on the theme of Equality.

20th June Fiction up to 5000 words. ‘Submissions should reflect or echo the issues that preoccupied Grazia Deledda’s writing, such as identity, class and religion.’

21st Jun ‘For this year’s AMT contest, your story must involve spending the summer—the whole summer, not a brief vacation—in a location different than where you or your protagonist live the rest of the year. This could mean either going away from home (“summer home”) or returning home (“home for the summer”). The change in setting must be integral to the story.’

30th June Fiction 1000-4500 words.

30th June. Poem, preferably non-rhyming.

30th June Fiction up to 2000 words on the theme of Murder.

30th June Flash and short science fiction and fantasy.

30th Jun Fiction or nonfiction 30-300 words on the theme of Bouncing Back from Adversity.

30th June USA only: fiction up to 5000 words that illuminates the role of the law and/or lawyers in modern society.

30th June Themed poetry chapbook, 20-40 pages.

30th June Scottish residents are asked to write up to 1000 words about a journey they have taken. Check eligibility criteria as they want entrants to be unpublished, and have a particular criterion for this.

30th Jun The first chapter (or more) of your funny book for children. Commonwealth (excluding Canada) only.

30th Jun Story suitable for reading aloud up to 2000 words. Entrant must be able to attend the event in Oxford, UK.

1st Jul Poetry and short fiction on the theme of Beginnings.


3rd Jun Speculative and historical poetry, flash, short fiction and more.

7th Jun Poetry, articles and more on the theme of Faithful Living for this Quaker publication.

7th Jun Fiction 800-2000 words on the theme of Dungeons and Dragons. ‘We’re looking for fantasy stories of any type, as well as stories of any genre featuring dungeons and/or dragons. Not too much softcore S&M, please.’

10th Jun Fiction 500-10,000 words.

12th June ‘For our premiere issue, we’re looking to publish short, evocative fiction that detail delicate moments in time. Stories should be told in media res and should not exceed 900 words. Vignettes should be standalone scenes from short stories, as short stories are standalone chapters from novels.’

14th June ‘Contributors wishing to assist in our goal may submit short stories and personal essays of not more than 8,000 words; or poetry of not more than 45 lines. All submissions must include a wild animal (non-domesticated) as a central character, a wild animal sanctuary as a central location, or wild animal conservation as a central theme. Writers may submit up to five pieces, and they may mix genres, if they choose.’

15th Jun Poetry, fiction and more on the theme of Serendipity.

15th June ‘We are currently accepting submissions for The Copperfield Review’s first anthology. We are accepting historical fiction, history-based poetry, history-based nonfiction, and history-based creative nonfiction for inclusion in the anthology.’

15th June Poetry, prose poetry and more, especially triptychs.

15th Jun YA flash fiction, and if you scroll down then there’s a separate category for flash fiction.

15th June Poetry, fiction and more on the theme of Beginnings.

15th June Pagan-themed fiction.

15th Jun Poetry, flash and short fiction on the theme of Light, by expat writers.

15th June ‘18thWall Productions wants myths alive with life. We want heroes and monsters out of time, legendary characters in unfamiliar settings.’ 2500-10,000 words.

15th Jun Poetry, flash, short fiction and more on the theme of Letting Go.

15th June Fiction, especially experimental fiction.

15th Jun Poetry by children.

15th Jun YA Speculative stories on the theme of Hate, 2000-7000 words.

15th Jun Senryu and kyoka.

15th Jun Poetry, fiction and more by women writers.

15th June Heroic fantasy erotica.!d_clients/cqh1

15th Jun ‘With a hearty mwaa haaa haaa and a swagger….we’re looking for villains.’ Fiction up to 7000 words.

15th Jun Poetry, prose and more.

15th Jun Transcendental realist poetry, prose and more.

15th Jun True stories up to 1200 words of your experience with fibromyalgia. Poetry too. ‘Our Stories of Strength wants to give your pain a voice while reflecting moments in time where living your best life became your way of life.’

20th June ‘Denis Johnson says to write naked, write in blood & write from exile. For this issue, we’re looking for Grit Lit writing that does just that. We want pieces that kick you in the gut & leave your mouth bloody. We’re looking for poetry & prose that can stop a dog fight while drinking homemade whiskey. We’d love stories, essays & poems that can find their way around the darkest hollers & the seediest city blocks.’

21st June Poems. None about God.

23rd June ‘According to Genesis 4:16, after Cain murdered his brother Abel, God exiled him to the Land of Nod, which was east of Eden. Pick a period any time between Cain’s exile and the flood and tell the stories of characters in the Land of Nod. Without using characters in the Bible, tell a story set in the Land of Nod. It can be any kind of story as long as it involves an element of speculation. Bonus points for weirdness of various kinds. Make us believe in evil.’ Writers may submit up to 3 flash fiction stories per anthology, 1 short story, 1 essay, and 1 poem.

25th June Poetry, fiction and more (Cathy’s note: scroll down past the contest guidelines – you don’t need to pay a fee for general submissions).

26th Jun YA writing on the theme of Ghosts.

27th Jun Short and flash fiction on the theme of Memory Loss.

28th Jun ‘Submissions in the form of poetry, visual poetry, textual fragments, prose and critical and personal essays are invited along the themes of:

  • literary activity as mark-making
  • the material reverberations of storytelling
  • textual spaces and the textual object’

29th June Poetry, fiction and more on the theme of Reciprocity: Does your giving match your taking?

30th June Flash and funny short funny science fiction.

30th Jun Poetry about longing on the theme of Pop Culture.

30th Jun ‘Over 70 million people worldwide live with various forms of dysautonomia… Living with the physical symptoms can be difficult, but living is what we do. We want to hear your stories of overcoming challenges to embrace each day. We know that your stories will be an inspiration to those within the community.’

30th Jun Writers (with or without illustrators) can pitch ideas for comics.

30th June ‘We are accepting dark fantasy and horror fiction submissions for the first volume of our annual horror anthology. The only hard requirement for this anthology is that it be one of the genres mentioned above. We would like new spins on old monster tropes as well as all new monsters.’

30th June Short horror stories on the themes described on the website.

30th June ‘Quivering mirages, ghost ships, glossy scales slipping away beneath the waves; we are seeking progressive and inclusive short stories about wonders, terrors, omens, sea-monsters, apparitions and other folk creatures and horrors from throughout the Mediterranean region.’ Poetry, short fiction and art.

30th June Horror stories up to 10,000 words.

30th June Horror stories 2000-8000 words.

30th June ‘Stories about monsters that are rarely seen in your average horror films and novels. We want to read stories from a variety of cultures and mythologies across the globe about creatures that may be well-known in the country of origin, but unheard of state-side. Or you can create your own monster.’ 3000-20,000 words.

30th June Poetry, fiction and more. Contributors can get a free copy if they go to Swindon to collect it.

30th June ‘A Tiny Thousand Knives, due for release 2016, featuring a fantastic cover by Luke Spooner, will be an anthology aimed at raising funds for and awareness of the terrible condition Endometriosis, which affects millions of women worldwide. We are looking for short stories (horror/body horror), diaries, memories, poetry, all about the experience of pain, preferably feminine pain, the emotions related to this condition and the female experience as a whole. Use your imagination but so long as there is the attempt to raise awareness about the Endometriosis experience it will fit the guidelines.’

30th June ‘Our second Christian anthology is titled, “The Effects of Grace”. It will be published August 1, 2015. This anthology will contain a collection of poetry that inspires and touches readers from a Christian point of view.’

30th Jun Poetry and prose MSS.

30th June Flash fiction.

30th Jun Erotic romance stories on the theme of Wild Darkness Calls.

30th Jun Poetry and fiction on the theme of Clockwise (The Midnight Blues).

30th Jun Speculative fiction on the theme of Ain’t Superstitious.

30th June Short and flash fiction and one-scene plays by writers with connections to Ireland.

30th Jun Fiction 250-7500 words. Also fiction on the theme of Where Thou Art.

30th Jun Poetry on the theme of Food.

30th Jun Speculative poetry and fiction on the theme of Solar.

30th June Flash fiction on the theme of Short and Sweet.

30th Jun SF/F 1000-6000 words on the theme of Sport.

30th Jun ‘We seek exciting, well-crafted contemporary poetry in English, and also encourage and publish high-quality English translations of modern and emerging Japanese poets.’

1st July Poetry and fiction on the theme of Lost in the Zoo (Cathy’s note: you can submit by email as long as you don’t live in the USA).

1st Jul Poetry on the theme of Fusion.

1st Jul Poetry and prose.

1st Jul Poetry, fiction and more suitable for Christian children on the theme of Math.

1st Jul Poetry, fiction and more on the theme of Hallowe’en Horror.

1st Jul ‘Plenitude is dedicating the month of August, 2015, to kids of queers. If you have queer and/or trans parents or guardians, we want to share your stories. How does having queer parents affect school life or relationships with neighbours? How does a kid talk about having queer parents with friends who come over? Or explain a parent’s gender transition to a best-friend’s mom? We are currently seeking fiction, poetry, non-fiction and graphic narrative on this subject.’

1st Jul Paranormal fiction 300-8000 words featuring Sherlock Holmes.

1st Jul ‘Ideate publishing is seeking short-story fiction submissions for an anthology. ‘Where’s My Tiara?’ is designed to paint an authentic and diverse portrait of lessons learned on the way to womanhood. Theme: Female protagonist featured in a coming-of-age story.’

1st Jul Apocalypse-survival fiction 3000-7000 words with a focus on disabled characters.

1st Jul Poetry, prose and art.

1st Jul Dark poetry, prose and more.

1st Jul Poetry and prose about women on the theme of Being.

1st Jul Feminist poetry, fiction and more on the theme of Radical.

1st Jul Poetry, short fiction and more on the theme of Moments for this equestrian interest magazine.


Poetry, short fiction and essays.

Pitch your novel on a Friday.

Poetry or fiction.

‘This blog is a place where anyone can go to share their art, music, poetry, short stories, or writing of any kind. Everything posted on this site will be considered for publication in our paper zine, which will be released as soon as enough content is gathered.’

‘Two Cities Review is looking for high-quality fiction, poetry and creative non-fiction that bridges the gap between forms, genres, or realities. We interpret this loosely, but are especially excited by work that crosses form or genre in a new and exciting way.’ Fiction, poetry and more.

Ebooks, chapbooks, and other short form creative literature.

‘The editors of LONTAR are looking for quality literary writing with elements of the fantastic, which is in some way connected with the cultures, traditions, mythologies, folk religions, and/or daily life in Southeast Asia. While we are happy to look at works by writers outside of the region, we want to actively encourage Southeast Asian writers to submit your work.’ Poetry, Fiction and more.

Queer speculative short fiction.

‘whimperbang invites the submission of serious, directed artistic expressions that reflect

or comment upon today’s world. All literary and visual genres will be considered.’

Poems (Cathy’s note: despite the name, the submission guidelines don’t specify that poets have to be American).

Poetry, flash, short fiction and more.!form/cry1

‘ We seek literary fiction that is character-driven, engaging, provocative, lyrical, and artistic, as well as experimental, out-of-the-ordinary work that fits our mission. We also publish contemporary, innovative poetry that pushes boundaries. In short, we publish work we have a deep connection to.

A literary magazine is planned, but right now we accept full-length novels (preferably between 60,000 and 130,000 words) and poetry books (between 40 and 80 poems suggested).’

This publisher focuses on minority writers, and publishes poetry and fiction.

Poetry, short fiction and more.

Open until filled: ‘Send me your stories of those trying to use some kind of science, technology, magic powers, anything that allows them to solve mysteries surrounding supernatural occurrences.

What is the final verdict? Truth? Hoax? Something in between—the claimant was experiencing something but it has an explanation? Or– often the scariest of all—the inconclusive result so common on ghost hunting shows. You decide. If there is ultimately an explanation, however, please provide suspense or scares along the way.’ 2000-5000 words.

Short fiction up to 4000 words to be, if accepted, featured with an image and a song.

Poetry, fiction and more.

Poetry and more.

Mainstream F and SF.

Crime novels and novellas.

‘We publish commercial and literary fiction featuring racial, cultural and character diversity for adults, young adults and reluctant readers of all ages. We promote diversification through our diverse books and authors. We recognize all diverse experiences. ‘


‘Priestess & Hierophant Press publishes short fiction, non-fiction, novels, novellas, poetry, artwork, and mixed mediums in the following areas: 1) Speculative – any genre.  We consider magical realism to be borderline speculative.  Please submit. 2) Esoteric Works – any path or practice. 3) Fine Artwork – any medium. 4) Cross-Genre – any combination of the above.’!services/c13aa

‘Currently we are collecting stories for our Love of Life anthology. These true stories should celebrate life and leave an all-around feeling of triumph or self-fulfillment. They may be spiritual or religious, deal with family or friends. The basic theme is something that feels good. Stories should be between 2,000 and 6,000 words.’


Nonfiction–including memoir–literary and historical fiction and some academic books.

Genre fiction.

‘What are we looking for? Prairie Gothic, ghost stories, the feel of the Oklahoma plains come indoors to sit at the dinner table, the tornados knocking on your door. We want the ominous feeling of driving down a long dusty road at dusk with the gas light on E. We want your Andrew Wyeth with words. We want the feeling of red dirt under your nails and the echo of a past misdeed in your head. We want your hauntings, the emotional and the physical.’ Flash fiction.

Poetry, (micro)fiction and more. ‘I am seeking  horror, mystery, suspense, science fiction, speculative, and most of all, good character development.’!submit/c1v4a

Poetry (including reprints) and music.


Horror and dark fantasy fiction 2000-7000 words.!fiction-writers/c3cg

Many genre short fiction anthologies.

Poetry up to four lines.

Poetry and fiction.

Haiku, haiga, haibun or brushwork.

Poetry and prose, especially ekphrasis.

Flash, short fiction and essays, by anyone but pertaining to women.

‘ Magoism is the Way of WE in S/HE that promotes the Primordial Knowing originating from the Great Goddess, Mago. Our vision and intention is to advocate for feminist and spiritually-based activism and to promote creative and scholarly work that supports the awareness of the oneness of all entities in the universe.’



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