Hello all! Here are the usual listings – a bit early, as my webbie is zooming off to London in his dynamic way. I’m well and busy, sorting out that third poetry collection – the title is now ‘Erratics’ and I’d love to know what you think of it. There is a poem included with that title, about some erratics (weird rocks standing weirdly). Also ‘erratic’ does describe my personality!
My tip this month is to submit and enter out of your comfort zone. Never written a romantic poem before? Or a formal one? Have a go! Never written horror before? Get that shocking idea out of your head and into a document! Surprising things can happen when we try something new.
Remember, remember, to submit in November! You might get a cheering winter acceptance or prize.
As always, good luck!
Cathy x
Here are November 2017’s writing competitions and calls for submission, all with free, electronic entry.
As usual I’m passing these on in good faith but mistakes may be made, so do check all the submission guidelines carefully. Any info in quotes comes from the website itself and any dates at the start are deadlines. Also, I don’t know the sources personally, so do check them out for yourselves.
There are three headings (click/tap to jump straight to them):
If you aren’t a submitter (why not? Nothing to lose! Rejection is something we all share!) then the themes can make great writing prompts/exercises.
Although I mention only fiction or poetry, many publications accept non-fiction, art or other forms, so do check if interested. Good luck and do let me know of successes! The links are in the comments, and any dates at the start are deadlines.
Where possible, I have marked the relevant entries with ‘paying’, ‘contributor copy’ etc. However, you are best off checking the info for yourselves as I am not infallible and the info isn’t always available or clear. Please be aware that a contributor copy may be in print or digital format. Also, some publications offer several things, eg payment as well as a contributor copy. Where this is the case, I have assumed that payment is enough of an incentive, so I haven’t listed everything. It’s a rough guide and should be treated as such.
Deadline next year, but some will be chosen for the shortlist each week: ‘We want you to write a 500-word tale of terror using the following quotation from the play’s (Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde) script as inspiration: “It might be possible, of course, that far from being one, we may possess two selves.”’ PAYING http://www.theatrecloud.com/get-involved/creative-projects/tell-a-tale-gothic-fiction
5th Nov ‘SACRED & PROFANE: Christmas is the holiest time of the year … but it makes plenty of us want to curse – so this yuletide we want you to explore the sacred and the secular aspects of the festive season in whatever way you can imagine. Both comic and serious takes on the theme are welcome.’ Fiction 800-2000 words. NON-CASH PRIZE http://www.liarsleague.com/liars_league/writers.html
7th Nov ‘Entrants are invited to write a modern-day children’s Christmas story inspired by the Charles Dickens’ novella A Christmas Carol for families to read this festive season. The winning author will have their book illustrated by renowned children’s illustrator Ian Beck before it is published through Kindle Direct Publishing and read by the nation, along with winning a £2,000 Amazon gift card and a top-of-the-range Fire tablet.’ VOUCHER/OTHER https://www.amazon.co.uk/b?node=11875736031
10th Nov Scottish women only: stories and poems on the theme of Body Positive. NON-CASH PRIZE http://womenslibrary.org.uk/2017/08/28/bold-types-scottish-womens-creative-writing-competition/#utm_source=Creative%20Scotland&utm_medium=Post&utm_campaign=BoldTypes
15th Nov Short story 2000-4000 words. NON-CASH PRIZE https://meetbubo.com/about/writers/?utm_source=email&utm_medium=email
15th Nov ‘Welcome, creators, to the contest of end-time letters. What happens when everything ends? What happens far after? With a story, a poem—any form of anything written, capture for us the Postapocalypse. Show us society’s reconstruction. Show us its final collapse. Bring us your take on the grand finale, and may your entry, above all others, survive.’ PAYING http://www.thecharlescarter.com/contest-submissions/
15th Nov ‘TravelFave (TF) wants you to tell us about your most memorable travel misadventure.’ PAYING http://travelfave.com/misadventure-contest/
23rd Nov Flash fiction up to 100 words. Enter this code: 38955 on the registration form, and then if you win, Cathy’s Comps and Calls gets a prize too! PAYING https://www.fundacioncesaregidoserrano.com/en/activities/short-tales-contest/5-edition/participation-form/lang/en-GB
24th Nov ‘The essence of new-media writing for us is great storytelling which uses anything and everything that digital media can offer, along with user/audience interactivity. It’s got to be something that couldn’t work in ‘old’ media.’ PAYING http://newmediawritingprize.co.uk/faq/ (thanks to www.prizemagic.co.uk for this one)
26th Nov ‘Please apply with the first 3,000 words of your novel, and a synopsis of no more than a page.’ (Cathy’s note: please check eligibility, as it’s quite specific!) NON-CASH PRIZE http://www.curtisbrowncreative.co.uk/course/felicia-yap-yesterday-scholarship/
30th Nov ‘The theme of your story need not reference Wales in any way. You may submit your entry in either Welsh or English. Basically you will need to write a short story between 1000 and 5000 words in length and submit it in accordance with the rules for site members or non-site members outlined below. Accompanying graphics ARE permitted but your entry will be judged solely on its literary merit.’ PAYING https://americymru.net/community/forum/west-coast-eisteddfod-online-short-story-competition-2017
30th Nov (and every month): poetry or short story. PAYING http://www.secretatticpress.com/competitionrules.html
30th Nov Over 50s or POC only: fiction or nonfiction. PAYING https://www.forgelitmag.com/flm/fellowship/
30th Nov Spec flash fiction on the theme of Apparition. PAYING https://www.apparitionlit.com/submission-guidelines/#1506552206297-99a74293-e807
30th Nov 20-30 minute play. PAYING http://congletonplayers.com/ (thanks to www.prizemagic.co.uk for this one)
30th Nov Poem on the theme of Migration. PAYING https://www.hollandparkpress.co.uk/magazine_detail.php?magazine_id=455&language=English
30th Nov Techie haiku. VOUCHER/OTHER http://www.thinkgeek.com/haiku
30th Nov ‘Your main character, who lives on “The American Entitlement Program”, loses everything they thought they wanted through a tragic event, only to find themselves with everything they actually need after a small, insignificant event. Make gratitude and humility the focal points of your story.’ VOUCHER/OTHER https://www.greywolfeshop.com/2017-monthly-contests.html
1st Dec Poetry and prose that addresses patients and providers facing chronic or life limiting illness. PAYING http://medicine.stanford.edu/news/current-news/standard-news/Kalanithi-Award.html
ASAP! ‘This year, we’re looking for [Hanukkah-themed] stories that are previously written and approximately 1,200 to 3,500 words in length. Authors must own the entertainment rights to the story, agree to grant permission for use to include broadcast and on NPR.org and be willing to help edit the story for radio use. Submissions are due ASAP to Katie Anastas, at kanastas(at)npr(dot)org.’ (thanks to www.erikadreifus.com for this one)
2nd Nov Poetry, fiction and more on the theme of Forgiveness: no irredeemable people. http://moonmagazine.org/submission-guideline/
3rd Nov Poetry, prose and more on the theme of Wander. https://chicagomemoryhouse.wordpress.com/submit/
5th Nov Poetry, fiction and more on the theme of New Life. PAYING https://shooterlitmag.com/submissions/
5th Nov ‘Submissions from writers and musicians of short pieces on the theme of DUSK. This will be a UK only call out this time because of the structure of what we have planned. For absolute clarity, these are works suitable for performance, story, poem or song, and please no death or dementia stories we’ve read SO many of those (and been offended by inaccuracy in the dementia ones) that no matter how wonderful, it’s a case of ‘not another one!’ https://arachnepress.submittable.com/submit
5th Nov ‘The London Reader is issuing an open call for fiction and nonfiction travel writing in the form of short stories, minifiction, creative essays, or poetry as well as art and photography on the same theme.’ http://londonreader.uk/
6th Nov Fiction and nonfiction on the theme of Holiday. https://hofstrawindmill.com/submit/
9th Nov Poetry and prose on the theme of Birth Control. https://cliteraturejournal.com/submit/
10th Nov Poetry on the theme of Inheritance. http://www.linesandstars.com/about/
11th Nov Flash and short fiction. PAYING https://firesidefiction.com/about/#submissions-guidelines (thanks to www.freedomwithwriting.com for this one)
12th Nov Poetry up to 25 lines and prose 150-300 words on the theme of Wet Sand. http://www.meowmeowpowpowlit.com/submission-guidelines.html
12th Nov 100-word story on the theme of Monsters and Heroes. http://www.101fiction.com/p/submissions.html
14th Nov Literary fiction 3000-8000 words. PAYING https://www.one-story.com/index.php?page=submit&pubcode=os
15th Nov ‘The Maleficarum is looking for stories about nature. Whether it be the earth taking back what it rightfully belongs, or simple observations of what goes on in life, send me your wonderful works.’ https://rosettemaleficarum.wordpress.com/submission-guidelines/
15th Nov F, SF and H: flash and short fiction. PAYING https://gehennaandhinnom.wordpress.com/2017/05/13/call-for-submissions-hinnom-magazine-bi-monthly-science-fiction-fantasy-and-horror/
15th Nov Poetry on the theme of The First Foreign Language I Ever Heard. CONTRIBUTOR COPY/COPIES http://www.tenpennyplayers.org/WWThemes/2017-8themes.pdf (Cathy’s note: you can find the email at which to submit here: http://www.poetrymarkets.com/print-publications/waterways )
15th Nov Poetry, fiction and more on the theme of Can Conscious Partnership Change the World? http://moonmagazine.org/submission-guideline/
15th Nov Poetry. PAYING http://www.firepoetry.com/guidelines.html
15th Nov ‘We are currently seeking articles, essays, poems, short fiction and interviews for inclusion in our second upcoming Pact Press anthology that will focus upon the opioid epidemic. Net proceeds from our anthology will benefit Shatterproof, a nonprofit that seeks to treat and provide assistance to those suffering from addiction.’ CHARITY ANTHOLOGY http://pactpress.com/submissions/
15th Nov Women over 60 only: ‘Short Takes are usually short pieces, fiction or non-fiction (250-500 words), but can also be topical poetry, sometimes even drawings or photography.’ Theme: Hallelujah! http://www.persimmontree.org/v2/submissions/
15th Nov Fiction on the theme of Solarpunk Summers. PAYING https://www.worldweaverpress.com/submit-anthologies.html
15th Nov Essays, reviews, interviews and more on the theme of Memory and Loss (Cathy’s note: you can’t submit poetry electronically, unfortunately). PAYING http://www.vallummag.com/submission.html
15th Nov or when filled: stories 2000-5000 words on the theme of Cthulhu Christmas Special. PROFIT/REVENUE SHARING MODEL https://deadmanstome.net/submissions/
15th Nov Fiction up to 10,000 words on the theme of Uncommon Evil. ROYALTIES http://www.fightingmonkeypress.com/submissions/
15th Nov Spec fic set in Manchester, UK, on the theme of Revolutions. PAYING https://manchesterspeculativefiction.org/
15th Nov Poems. https://dirtypawspoetry.com/submit/
20th Nov Poetry and art on the theme of Homelessness. https://www.weaselpress.com/degeneratesubmissions
20th Nov ‘We want your poetry and flash fiction full of lore and legend surrounding the darkest time of the year, as well as the gradual return of the light. Christmas, Krampus, ice and snow, Norse gods, the solstice, wolves, forests, candle magic, night, the northern lights, and anything else you think might fit – if it’s cold and frosty, we’d like to see it (unless it’s just a pint of beer, but even then…)’ https://threedropspoetry.co.uk/submissions/call-for-submissions-midwinter-2017-special/
23rd Nov Christian poetry, fiction and more. http://adversuspress.com/submissions
24th Nov Romantic Flash fiction. ‘In this issue we want stories where the woman pursues the man. Strong, determined, know-what-they-want women who go after love. Whether it’s an unconventional proposal or someone who thinks they should be more than friends, let the lady take the leading role.’ PAYING http://splickety.com/submission-guidelines/
28th Nov Pulp fiction on the theme of ghouls, Ghosts and Grave Robbers. ROYALTIES http://astoundingoutpost.com/astounding-publications-2/astounding-publications/
30th Nov Fiction on the theme of Community. PAYING https://ninthletteronline.submittable.com/submit
30th Nov ‘We’re looking for stories about how you found love. And how you kept it fresh over the years. New love, old love, please warm our hearts with your stories and poems.’ PAYING http://www.chickensoup.com/story-submissions/possible-book-topics
30th Nov Poetry, fiction and essays on the theme of Elections. http://www.kikwetujournal.com/submissions.html
30 Nov: ‘Alternative art and literature magazine The Matador Review is now accepting submissions for the Winter 2018 publication. We publish poetry, fiction, flash fiction, and creative non-fiction, inviting all unpublished literature written in the English language (and translations that are accompanied by the original text) as well as many forms of visual art.’ http://www.matadorreview.com/submissions/
30th Nov Flash fiction. http://www.wigleaf.com/
30th Nov Poetry and fiction. PAYING https://www.thirdpointpress.com/submission-guidelines/
30th Nov ‘Beyond the Breadcrumbs, Winter Tangerine’s Fall 2017 Spitfire series will focus on innovative new ways of approaching an old art form: the fairy tale in fiction, poetry and art…We don’t want clinical dissections of the stories we grew up knowing, picked apart to unveil archetypes, gutted of their magic. Instead we want re-tellings or completely new works that echo their timeless spirit.’ Poetry, fiction and more. PAYING https://wintertangerine.submittable.com/submit (thanks to https://www.erikadreifus.com for this one)
30th Nov ‘Norse mythology, although not as popular as Greek and Roman, has a fascinating take on the universe and a pantheon of amazing gods and goddesses. Although there are many stories that have survived the ages, there are several tales that were lost. For this anthology, we are looking for stories about Norse goddesses that were mostly lost.’ 500-10,500 words. PAYING http://fantasiadivinitymagazine.com/anthology-submission-calls
30th Nov Poetry and fiction on the theme of So Long, Farewell. http://www.youngravensliteraryreview.org/
30th Nov Poetry and short fiction on the theme of Apparition. PAYING https://www.apparitionlit.com/submission-guidelines/#1506552206297-99a74293-e807
30th Nov Poetry and fiction on the theme of Revolutionary Things. http://www.whatwonderfulthings.net/main/submissions/
30th Nov Fiction 6000-10,000 words on the theme of Behind the Mask – Tales from the Id. PAYING http://thingsinthewell.webs.com/submissions
30th Nov Poetry and short fiction on the theme of Elves and the Shoemaker. PAYING http://www.fairytalemagazine.com/p/blog-page_22.html
30th Nov ‘We’re looking for speculative stories rooted in the Fertile Crescent, Levant and the Middle East. The region should be an integral part of the story, and not simply a transplant. For ideal example think of how Mike Resnick’s story “Kirinyaga” relates to Africa culture and issues. We welcome quality flash fiction and non-traditional narratives. Authorized English translations of original stories, particularly from regional artists, are also welcomed and encouraged.’ PAYING http://holycowpublishing.com/guidelines.html
30th Nov Writing on the theme of (In)Completion. CONTRIBUTOR COPY/COPIES https://openmindsquarterly.submittable.com/submit
30th Nov Poetry, fiction and more on the theme of Women Hold Up Half the Sky. http://www.artemisjournal.org/entry-guidelines/
30th Nov Age 12-17 only: ‘Submissions of writing and artwork are invited for our first online edition of ePOTB. Pushing Out the Boat, North-East Scotland’s Magazine of New Writing and the Visual Arts, is looking to discover the best new work from young writers and artists aged 12 to 17. ePOTB will be published as an ezine on the Pushing Out the Boat website in Spring 2018 and a £50 prize will be awarded to the best contribution in each of the three categories: prose, poetry and art.’ PAYS SOME CONTRIBUTORS https://www.pushingouttheboat.co.uk/epotb-submissions/
1st Dec Poetry and more on the theme of Wealth. PAYS SOME CONTRIBUTORS https://parabola.org/submissions/
1st Dec ‘The editors invite you to send your poems about any of the paintings, drawings, or other artwork by Hieronymus Bosch or Bruegel the Elder.’ https://dasulliv1.wixsite.com/website
1st Dec ‘This issue welcomes submissions from: foster children, adults in foster care, children and adults who were previously in foster care. If this is you, we want to hear your voice.’ https://www.wardslitmag.com/
1st Dec ‘That’s right, armchair quarterbacks, the magazine is running a sports issue. Oh, the “Hurry! Hard!” confused you? It’s a curling thing. We’re looking for work that touches on sporting events of any kind, even darts! Not golf, though.’ http://www.thebrokencitymag.com/submissions.html
1st Dec Poetry, fiction and more on the theme of Flight. PAYING https://slicemagazine.org/submit/
1st Dec SF 1000-10,000 words. PAYING http://compellingsciencefiction.com/guidelines.html
1st Dec Flash fiction on the theme of Monsters, suitable for teens. PAYING https://cricketmag.submittable.com/submit/17820/cicada-magazine-for-ages-14
1st Dec Poetry, fiction and more on the theme of Blue Collar and the Blues. http://www.ncc.edu/programsandcourses/academic_departments/english/nassau_review/submission_guidelines.shtml
1st Dec Poetry, fiction and more on the theme of Winter Solstice. PAYING https://eternalhauntedsummer.com/about/
NOTE: Publishers sometimes don’t discuss their royalty rate upfront. This doesn’t necessarily mean that they don’t pay! I just haven’t put them as paying/giving royalties whenever I haven’t found details on the website.
‘We are open to many genres and themes, but are especially interested in works related to our mission: Exploring the world, one voice at a time. This mission applies to cultural, geographical, temporal, and ecological definitions of “world.”’ PAYING https://folded.wordpress.com/submissions/
Book-length works of literary criticism, and novels. http://fictionadvocate.com/submit-3/
‘Historian Thomas Cahill, author of The Gifts of the Jews (Knopf, 1999) claimed that the Jews invented the very concept of history. They were the first, he said, to perceive time not as an endless circle of life, death and rebirth, but as the flight of an arrow, on a linear path to somewhere from somewhere.However, what if time is not one arrow, but a volley of arrows? What if there are other timelines, other histories, other Jews? Would they still have a covenant with the one God? What would have become of their triumphs? Their defeats? Their suffering and their successes?’ Fiction and poetry. PAYING https://chizinepub.moksha.io/publication/other-covenants
North America only: experimental and counter-culture poetry. https://lazarusjournal.wordpress.com/contact/
Poetry collection or novel. http://www.acre-books.com/about-us/submissions/
SF and F stories. PAYING http://phantaxis.com/#subGuidelines
Poems longer than 140 characters. PAYING https://unfoldmag.wordpress.com/about/
MSS: novels, short stories, poetry, etc. https://regalhousepublishing.com/submissions/
‘The Rosette Maleficarum prides itself on literary works that promote the darker aspects of life. From a dilapidated doll that watched her owner abandon her, to the ghost of a soldier who wanders the battlefield, the journal records to struggles of humanity. Even so, I’m open to little innocent lights, ones that bring back the nostalgia of our youth. But who knows? Just send a piece in, and perhaps it could be published here.’ https://rosettemaleficarum.wordpress.com/submission-guidelines/
‘On the Adult Trade side, we publish a wide range of books, stationery, kits, calendars, and novelty formats. Our list includes cookbooks, fine art, design, photography, pop culture, craft, fashion, beauty, home décor, relationships, lifestyle, and innovative formats such as interactive journals, kits, decks, stationery, and much, much more. Make sure you familiarize yourself with the kinds of books we publish before getting in touch. As of 2009, we are no longer acquiring adult fiction.’ http://www.chroniclebooks.com/submissions
Poems. https://www.hedgehogpress.co.uk/submissions/
‘Endeavour Press are looking for works of at least 25,000 words in length, as well as full length books, both fiction and non-fiction, in the following genres: Crime Fiction and Thrillers, History and Historical Fiction, Romance and popular Women’s Fiction.’ ROYALTIES http://www.endeavourpress.com/submissions/
Nonfiction books on craft or theatre. ROYALTIES https://beercottbooks.co.uk/information-for-authors
Poetry, articles and more. https://thebluenib.com/
‘Mithila Review is seeking submissions for an anthology of short stories and comics devoted to the exploration of Indian futures, utopias and dystopias, set in India, South Asia or beyond.’ PAYING http://mithilareview.com/india2049/?utm_source=email&utm_medium=email
Poetry. PAYING http://www.subterraneanbluepoetry.com/SubterraneanBluePoetry.Submissions.htm
‘Field of Lenses is a space for writers to celebrate and engage with the works and figures of cinema and TV that have shaped them and their identity. While all writers are welcome to submit, we will focus on work by femme, queer, and trans writers of color. We want writers to explore representation and marginalization in the world of film. Poets can send up to five poems. Prose and non-fiction writers can submit up to two pieces, either a short story or an essay, of up to 3,000 words.’ PAYING https://wintertangerine.submittable.com/submit
Prose poetry and flash fiction. https://formercactus.wordpress.com/submissions/
‘Lineage of Mirrors seeks to profile poets of color and their influences. Twice a month, we will publish a suite of poems from a writer of color, alongside a statement from the writer on a poem by a poet of color that has influenced their craft.’ PAYING https://wintertangerine.submittable.com/submit
Poetry, prose and more. https://www.silverstreamsjournal.com/submissions.html
Speculative fiction. PAYING https://www.shimmerzine.com/guidelines/fiction-guidelines/
‘Scalawag is a new magazine and website focused on the American South, dedicated to thoughtful reporting, original thinking, and stories in many forms. Our contributors include both new voices and folks who’ve written for The New Yorker, The Atlantic, The New Republic, and more.’ PAYING https://www.scalawagmagazine.org/submissions/
Poetry and creative nonfiction. https://smallorangejournal.com/registry/
Dark flash fiction. https://horrortree.com/submissions/
Female-identified authors only: fiction, poetry and more. http://willowlitmag.com/submit/
Fiction and nonfiction MSS. http://blackandwhitepublishing.com/submissions
‘We are looking for works that are introducing a new world, whether it’s space exploration or being transported to an ethereal realm this theme of discovery underpins the ethos of the magazine. We accept both short stories and poetry.’ PAYING https://zealotscript.co.uk/submissions/
‘We welcome and consider work including but not limited to: short fiction, poetry, flash fiction and libretti, interviews, essays, columns or series, criticism, visual art, multi-media collections, travel writing and reportage.’ https://stratamag.org/submit/
Family-friendly stories (Cathy’s note, they only read the first 300 submissions every month, so get yours in quickly!) PAYING http://www.portyonderpress.com/fictions.html
‘We love to dish up lighthearted fiction with a sprinkling of horror and a pickled garnish. We want original, fantastic, funny, gory, and scary all in the same course. To please us you’ll need to cook up your very best.’ PAYING https://www.feedyourmonster.eu/submissions
MSS. ROYALTIES https://www.mtp.agency/submissions
Poetry, fiction and more. PAYING https://www.thetemzreview.com/submissions.html
Crime fiction, thrillers and mysteries. ROYALTIES http://thebookfolks.com/publish/