Hello Everyone,
This wasn’t how I’d hoped to start this intro, as you’ll see by the next paragraph, but my mother-in-law is in hospital, almost certainly for the last time. My husband is this site’s webbie, so it’s been very difficult to get this to you, and apologies that it’s a slightly shorter list this month. The rest of this intro was written a week or so ago.
I want to start by thanking my Patreon peeps, who give generously but get nothing whatsoever in return. I usually put this at the end of my intro, but it’s not an afterthought, and I’m putting it at the top today just to show that I really appreciate it. Thanks for keeping the site going!
As for me, I’ve cleverly knackered my right wrist again, which is always fun for a writer. If my typing is bad, that’s why! I’m wearing a big plastic splint for six weeks, and then I’ll be having an operation. Not too serious an operation, but I’ll no longer have any wrist motion. As long as the pain has gone and I can still write, that’s fine by me!
I’ve had my first acceptance of the year! Hurrah! My poem ‘Brexit Explained’ will be in the ‘We’re All in it Together’ anthology.
I hope you’re achieving your writing goals!
Much love,
Cathy x
Here are some writing competitions and calls for submission, all with free, electronic entry.
As usual I’m passing these on in good faith but mistakes may be made, so do check all the submission guidelines carefully. Any info in quotes comes from the website itself and any dates at the start are deadlines. Also, I don’t know the sources personally, so do check them out for yourselves.
There are three headings (click/tap to jump straight to them):
If you aren’t a submitter (why not? Nothing to lose! Rejection is something we all share!) then the themes can make great writing prompts/exercises.
Although I mention only fiction or poetry, many publications accept non-fiction, art or other forms, so do check if interested. Good luck and do let me know of successes! The links are in the comments, and any dates at the start are deadlines.
Where possible, I have marked the relevant entries with ‘paying’, ‘contributor copy’ etc. However, you are best off checking the info for yourselves as I am not infallible and the info isn’t always available or clear. Please be aware that a contributor copy may be in print or digital format. Also, some publications offer several things, eg payment as well as a contributor copy. Where this is the case, I have assumed that payment is enough of an incentive, so I haven’t listed everything. It’s a rough guide and should be treated as such.
6th Feb Haiku on the theme of Reboot and Rebloom. PAYING https://goldentriangledc.com/event/golden-haiku/
11th Feb Short story up to 2000 words. NON-CASH PRIZE https://www.writersandartists.co.uk/competitions/writers-artists-short-story-competition-2022 (Cathy’s note: the prize is an Arvon course, but I think you have to pay for your own transport there – people living outside the UK, take note!)
14th Feb ‘We want UK citizens to write witty or soppy, romantic or silly Valentines Day poems to be published here on the Tree2mydoor website on or before Valentines Day.’ VOUCHER/OTHER https://tree2mydoor.com/pages/offers-competitions-valentines-day-poetry (Thanks to www.prizemagic.co.uk for this one.)
14th Feb Flash fiction inspired by the provided image. PAYING https://apparitionlit.com/submissions/
15th Feb 53-word story inspired by this month’s prompt. NON-CASH PRIZE
24th Feb Microfiction up to 250 words on the theme of Climate Fiction. PAYING https://solarpunkmagazine.com/monthly-micro-fiction-contest/
28th Feb Three separate comps for poetry, flash fiction, and short fiction. PAYING https://www.anansiarchive.co.uk/competitions/
28th Feb ‘The Neukom Institute for Computational Science at Dartmouth College – in collaboration with Dartmouth’s Department of Theater and Northern Stage – is excited to announce the 2022 Neukom Institute Literary Arts Awards for Playwriting, for full-length plays and other full-length works for the theater addressing the question “What does it mean to be a human in a computerized world?”.’ PAYING https://sites.dartmouth.edu/neukominstitutelitawards/ni-lit-award-for-playwriting/
1st Mar Up to 3 poems. ‘Entries should address the themes of science fiction/fantasy/horror/science.’ PAYING http://www.bsfs.org/bsfspoetry.htm
1st Mar Age 14-18 only: poem up to 50 lines in a medical subject. UNKNOWN AWARD http://www.hippocrates-poetry.org/the-hippocrates-prize/2022-hippocrates-prize/online-entry-for-2022-hippo.html
3rd Feb Poetry, fiction and more on the theme of Life in Adornment. https://www.ayaskala.com/magazineguideline
4th Feb Pitches for poems on the theme of Dusk. PAYING https://writersvictoria.org.au/resources/the-victorian-writer/pitch
5th Feb Spring into Sci-fi – SF stories 3500-9000 words. PAYING http://www.cloakedpress.com/springscifi/
6th Feb Australians under 25 only: Comics, comic pitches and art on the theme of Portrait. PAYING https://www.voiceworksmag.com.au/print
7th Feb SF and F stories. PAYING https://www.cossmass.com/submit/
8th Feb Poems by women over fifty. https://www.quartetjournal.com/submissions
10th Feb Poetry and prose inspired by Buffy: the Vampire Slayer, The Sopranos, and Courage the Cowardly Dog. https://www.thewinnowmagazine.com/submitguidelines.html
11th Feb ‘We’ve noticed that most books at these event target adult readers, so in 2022 we’re launching a line of anthologies appropriate for readers 10 and up. We’re open to challenging themes and subject matter, but language, graphic violence, and sexual content should be rated G. Child or teen protagonists preferred.’ Book themes: Rockets and Robots; Beware Bugs; Paradoxical Pets. PAYING http://www.jamesmaxey.net/word-balloon-book-anthologies.html
12th Feb Fanfic. Up to 5 pieces. PAYING https://www.oficmag.com/submit
13th Feb ‘The theme is “hunted” – which can be interpreted in any way that creates a fast-moving, pulse-pounding story that readers can’t put down. The story should conform to thriller/suspense genre expectations. We are looking for a range of stories which explore the anthology theme from different angles.’ 7500-10,000 words. PROFIT/REVENUE SHARING MODEL https://storiesrulepress.com/thriller-digest-call-for-submissions/
15th Feb ‘Qwerty is seeking your fractured fairytales, folk retellings, mythical drawings for our upcoming themed issue, FOLKLORE & FAIRYTALES.’ https://www.qwertyunb.com/submit
15th Feb ‘Delicate Friend is an adult (18+) space for sexual or intimate art or literature you enjoyed creating. We are looking for poetry, prose, visual art, music, videos, game descriptions, fake movie reviews, real movie reviews, and more. Theme: Madness, Disability, and Desire.’ PAYING https://delicatefriend.com/submissions/
15th Feb Poetry on the theme of Humor. PAYING http://www.songsoferetz.com/p/guidelines.html
15th Feb Flash fiction up to 500 words on the theme of Freedom. CONTRIBUTOR COPY/COPIES (MAY BE PRINT OR DIGITAL), PAYS SOME CONTRIBUTORS https://www.nationalflashfictionday.co.uk/index.php/anthology/anthology-submission-guidelines/ (Cathy’s note: all contributors get a copy, and two contributors will get an ‘editor’s choice’ award of cash.)
15th Feb Poetry and more on the theme of Footsteps. https://www.opendoorpoetrymagazine.com/author-submissions
15th Feb ‘Fiction, non-fiction, and indeterminate prose texts of up to 5,500 words as well as visuals which address the theme of “Dream” are welcome.’ https://fictioninternational.sdsu.edu/wordpress/submit/
15th Feb ‘Run Amok Books is launching a new fiction imprint – Run Amok Crime. As part of this initiative, Run Amok Crime is seeking submissions for a new crime-fiction anthology to be entitled Jacked: Crime Stories. Make of that what you will.’ PAYING https://runamokbooks.website/pages/submissions.html
15th Feb ‘Again, we’re looking for pieces that celebrate the environment, that rally behind it, that feature it as the crux of your work. Fiction, creative nonfiction, something in between—we can’t wait to read your work.’ Up to 500 words on the theme of The Environment. http://www.cheappoplit.com/
20th Feb ‘Accepting fiction and creative nonfiction submissions up to 5,000 words or two poems up to 15 lines each.’ Theme: Celebration. https://www.writersworkout.net/waywords
27th Feb ‘Writing from people living in or inspired by the Highlands and Islands is given prominence, but we also feature material linked to the wider north. That includes both other parts of Scotland and places around the northern world. We publish Northwords Now and Tuath in print and online to inspire writers and readers with the power of new work in Scotland’s three languages, including local variants.’ https://www.northwordsnow.co.uk/submissions
28th Feb ‘What are we looking for? Meadowlark is interested in publishing full-length novels and/or collections of short stories. While we will consider manuscripts of any length, a minimum of 50,000 words is recommended for fiction submissions. Any genre will be considered, but we are especially interested in stories that take place in the Midwest and/or follow themes or characters that have a strong Midwest connection.’ https://www.meadowlark-books.com/p/fiction-manuscript-submissions.html
28th Feb Queer Weird West stories 3000-9000 words. PAYING https://juliebozza.com/submissions/
28th Feb ‘Cyberpunk. These characters are trying to survive in a dystopia of advanced technologies. Living alongside Artificial Intelligence has its perks, but also many deadly downfalls.’ 5000-15,000 words. ROYALTIES https://dragonsoulpress.com/anthologies/
28th Feb ‘Unique retellings of Atlantis-like civilizations. Preferably with mermaids, selkies, krakens, or other mythological sea creatures included.’ 5000-15,000 words. ROYALTIES https://dragonsoulpress.com/anthologies/
28th Feb 101 word story on the theme of ‘Your character wakes up next to a stranger.’ https://www.tortivetheatre.com/flash101
28th Speculative fiction and poetry on the theme of Wanderlust. PAYING https://apparitionlit.com/submissions/
28th Feb True stories and poems on the theme of Counting Your Blessings/Attitude of Gratitude. PAYING https://www.chickensoup.com/story-submissions/possible-book-topics/
28th Feb 1 or 2 line flash fiction. PAYING https://jellyfishreview.wordpress.com/submissions/
1st Mar ‘We want stories about mermaids. All kinds of stories about mermaids. Be creative!… Reprints, poetry, flash fiction, and B&W art are welcome and will be paid at 1/2 rate of original stories.’ ROYALTIES https://knightwritingpress.com/magic-portals/
1st Mar ‘I’m looking for fast-paced gory stories with the perfect blend of Extreme Horror + Splatterpunk + Dark Humor elements. Nothing involving children and I’m not a big fan of heavy religious or political plots.’ PAYING http://theevilcookie.com/open-calls/
(Publishers might not give out their pay rates on their submission pages, so make sure to find them out before signing a contract!)
‘Waterwheel Review is currently reading for our final two issues of Season 2 (April and May 2022). We publish three pieces of writing per month without labeling by genre. Each piece is presented with companions from the wider art world—photo, painting, dance, film, music, graphic, etc. We nominate for prizes and celebrate our authors on social media. No fee to submit. Take a look!’ https://waterwheelreview.com
New Age Poetry, and articles about poetry. PAYING https://subterraneanbluepoetry.com/SubterraneanBluePoetry.Submissions.html
Many publications accepting poetry, including countries and continents, lighthearted poetry, Protest Poems, Indigenous poets, flash fiction and more. Check each one for deadlines. POSSIBLE ROYALTIES http://waxpoetryart.com/submissions.html
‘Flash Point Science Fiction wants speculative fiction stories from 100 to 1,000 words in length. Send us your science fiction, fantasy, slipstream, and everything in between, so long as it’s short. ’PAYING https://flashpointsf.com/submissions/
Open until filled: ‘The theme of the book is Building Better Worlds. We’re interested in what those better Anarchist worlds and systems look like. Poems that somehow relate to that theme within the context of anarchism will have a better chance of being accepted.’ poetry. PAYING https://justinenortonkertson.medium.com/submission-call-the-anarchist-poetry-project-eb4de6fc9fad
‘Little Jefferson is a project of Lucky Jefferson aiming to create spaces and opportunities for children and pre-teens ages 9-13 to explore and deepen their joy of writing and grow as young artists. Little Jefferson is currently only accepting proposals and submissions from schools, educators, and youth organizations. If you are a teacher or program interested in partnering with Lucky Jefferson to publish the work of young writers, please email us.’ https://luckyjefferson.com/little-jefferson/
Speculative poetry, fiction and more. PAYING https://andromedaspaceways.com/submissions-manager/
MSS 60,000 words to 100,000 words in various genres. https://www.literarywanderlust.com/submissions
‘High-quality middle-grade and YA fiction, especially books showcasing strong voices, unique stories, and diverse characters.’ https://jollyfishpress.com/submissions/
‘Andromeda Spaceways is a quarterly science fiction, fantasy, and horror magazine, publishing short stories, poetry, interviews, articles of interest, and book reviews.’ PAYING https://andromedaspaceways.com/submissions-manager/
‘We are seeking general and literary fiction (especially the sweet spot in between), and non-fiction that inspires and ignites. Our ambition is to publish compelling new voices and original perspectives that reflect the full spectrum of Australian life. We do not accept children’s, young adult or picture books.’ https://www.ultimopress.com.au/gettingpublished
‘A little bit about us: we are an award-winning independent publisher of books for young readers from ages 0 to 14. We are based in Toronto, Canada, but you can find our books in schools, libraries, bookstores, and homes throughout the United States and Canada, as well as published around the world in a variety of languages by our international publishing partners. We publish about 15 new books each spring and fall, including board books, picture books, non-fiction, fiction, and graphic novels.’ https://owlkidsbooks.com/about-us/
‘We prefer experimental, sui generis, impossible to categorize texts. While our current catalog comprises fiction and memoir, we have art books and poetry in the pipeline, and welcome submissions of any medium in line with our mission.’ https://whiskeytit.com/submission-guidelines/
Poetry, prose, and art. https://lumierereview.com/submit