Comps and calls for April 2017

Well, it’s been a bumper month for emails from those of you who’ve been successful – very successful! I’ve been very impressed by all your publications and prizes, and I can’t thank you enough for letting me know about them. I’ve had an article published on the subject of writing competitions, so if you’re flagging a bit then take a look. Also, April is National Poetry Writing Month (or NaPoWriMo). If you’re stuck for inspiration one day, why not use some of the themes here as prompts?

Can you spot the April fool in this month’s listings? (Don’t worry – you’ll know it when you see it!)

Many thanks to this month’s sponsor, NOUNPLUS, one of the web’s best grammar checkers. Give it a visit – it really will improve your work!

Cathy x

Here are April 2017’s writing competitions and calls for submission, all with free, electronic entry.

As usual I’m passing these on in good faith but mistakes may be made, so do check all the submission guidelines carefully. Any info in quotes comes from the website itself and any dates at the start are deadlines. Also, I don’t know the sources personally, so do check them out for yourselves.

There are three headings (click to jump straight to them):

If you aren’t a submitter (why not? Nothing to lose! Rejection is something we all share!) then the themes can make great writing prompts/exercises.

Although I mention only fiction or poetry, many publications accept non-fiction, art or other forms, so do check if interested. Good luck and do let me know of successes! The links are in the comments, and any dates at the start are deadlines.

Where possible, I have marked the relevant entries with ‘paying’, ‘contributor copy’ etc. However, you are best off checking the info for yourselves as I am not infallible and the info isn’t always available or clear. Please be aware that a contributor copy may be in print or digital format. Also, some publications offer several things, eg payment as well as a contributor copy. Where this is the case, I have assumed that payment is enough of an incentive, so I haven’t listed everything. It’s a rough guide and should be treated as such.


Weekly: poem. PAYING

5th Apr Spectator Competition No 2993: dumping grounds. ‘Break-ups are very much on the agenda at the moment. You are invited to submit a Dear John letter, in prose or verse, in the style of a well-known author (please specify). Please email (wherever possible) entries of up to 16 lines or 150 words to by midday on 5 April.’ PAYING

6th Apr UK and Ireland only: Text or art suitable for children by unpublished BAME writers. PAYING

7th Apr Under 25s only: complete various writing tasks. PAYING

10th Apr Under 18s only: ‘This year we are adding a new “Climate Change” category to the competition. Participants between the ages of 14 and 18 are invited to write an essay or create a video (see submission requirements for details) that discusses how one animal species has been affected by climate change and presents ideas to raise awareness of this species and what can be done to protect it.’ PAYING

12th Apr Spectator Competition no. 2994: cross lines. ‘You are invited to submit a letter of complaint from a fictional character to his or her or its creator about his, her or its portrayal. Please email entries of up to 150 words (16 lines) to by midday on 12th April.’ PAYING

15th Apr Emerging writers from US or Canada only: ‘For the 2017 Waterman Fund essay contest, emerging writers are asked to offer and explore stories of what humans build in wild places, considering the ecological and emotional integrity of wilderness and wildness.’ PAYING (thanks to for this one)

16th Apr ‘Lent is here and Structo is holding its fourth Lenten psalms translation contest. We’re looking for free translations from the biblical psalms…. Free translation means what you want it to mean. None of the past winners have had an ancient languages background. Instead, they riffed off the original, turned it on its head, reversed it, used key phrases, sussed out a single idea, or wrote in a psalm mode and mood.’ PAYING (thanks to for this one)

20th Apr ‘The brief is to write a story between 500-600 words based on either a pet or wild animal as long it’s an integral part of the tale. The view-point is not to be from that animal.’ NON-CASH PRIZE (thanks to for this one)

23rd Apr Story up to 4000 words. NON-CASH PRIZE

30th April Poems concerning the Falun Gong, according to the provided themes. PAYING

30th Apr Play up to 45 minutes on any theme. NON-CASH PRIZE

30th Apr Unpublished South African writers only: story up to 2000 words. PAYING

30th Apr Essay on one of the provided themes by writers in high school or higher education. PAYING

30th Apr Poem (Cathy’s note: you can enter more than one, but only the first entry is free). PAYING

30th Apr Story on the theme of The Anniversary.

30th Apr Under 18s only: ‘All you’ll need to do is whip up your best 250, 500 or 750 words (depending on your age) on ‘The Perfect Food Partnership’.’ NON-CASH PRIZE

30th Apr Poem In English or Welsh on the theme of Sharing Tastes Divine. NON-CASH PRIZE (thanks to for this one)

1st May Up to five poems, or fiction up to 8000 words. PAYING

1st May ‘Awarded for the best piece of writing in response to the theme of the Alpine Fellowship Annual Symposium. The winner and two runners up are invited to attend the Venice symposium. Winner receives £3000 cash prize and is presented with the award by the poet John Burnside. Open to all nationalities and ages. All genres permitted. A maximum of 2500 words per entry. Limited to one entry per person.’ PAYING (thanks for this one to )

1st May Age 18-30 only: Monologues on one of the deadly sins or heavenly virtues.


2nd Apr Poetry, fiction and more on the theme of Bad Girls. ‘As always, the theme is open to interpretation, but think antiheroines, villainesses, and convention-defying women. Intelligent treatment of the theme is required: we want refined writing and complex, not cartoon, characters.’ PAYING

2nd Apr Fiction 800-2000 words on the theme of Cut and Thrust.

2nd Apr 10 minute play.

3rd Apr Poetry of Nature.

4th Apr ‘The Deaf Poets Society will publish an upcoming issue (Issue 4) on crip futurism, a growing body of interdisciplinary studies. We are looking for D/deaf and disabled perspectives and re-imaginings of bodies, science, technology, bioethics, and the future ways of existing.’ PROFIT/REVENUE SHARING MODEL

4th Apr Previously published work.

5th Apr ‘We want adult stories. No erotica, though some erotic or romance elements are acceptable. Magic, gods, mysticism, mythical creatures. Bring us old fairy tales with an Afrocentric twist. We are interested in new gods or ancient ones, old religions, houngans, potions, and spells. Your story can be adapted from African folklore or modern mythology.’ PAYING

5th Apr Humorous poems and short stories.

5th Apr Speculative/esoteric poetry, fiction and more on the theme of A Beckoning. CONTRIBUTOR COPY/COPIES

5th Apr ‘We are seeking stories of unusual spaces, places and landscapes. Be they within your mind, outside of this universe, or a perspective on life in our own home other may not share.’ ROYALTIES

7th Apr Flash fiction on the theme of Medieval (sic) Mayhem. PAYING

10th Apr Fiction on the theme of Beginnings. PAYING

12th Apr Survivor poems.

15th Apr ‘ “Cat’s Breakfast” – Science fiction/satire. Now at the 10th anniversary of his death, Wikipedia says Kurt Vonnegut was famous for his “gallows humor.” E.E. King put it another way, citing his “sideways, humorous, skeptical view.” We want this anthology to pay tribute to the imagination and inspiration of the ineffable Mr. Vonnegut.’ PAYING

15th Apr Poems by Rust Belt poets. PAYING

15th Apr Poetry, fiction and more on the theme of Messy Grace. CONTRIBUTOR COPY/COPIES

15th Apr ‘Their Coats All Red is seeking strange stories which are steeped in the history of the British Empire from about 1880 to 1905. These must be tales which capture the feel of the high Victorian era. We don’t want stories of the Empire itself—we want stories of the weirdness underneath. Ghosts, spirits, madness and monstrosities are all welcome. Make it psychological or physical, but make it good.’ PROFIT/REVENUE SHARING MODEL

15th Apr Poetry, fiction and more on the theme of Archetypes.

15th Apr Poetry, fiction and more. PAYING

15th Apr Writing on the theme of Resistance.

15th Apr Writing on the theme of Resistance.

15th Apr Speculative poetry and flash fiction on the theme of Resistance, Rebellion, or Revolution. PAYING

15th Apr Poetry, fiction and more. PAYING

15th Apr SF/F poetry, flash and short fiction on the theme of Redux and Progression. PAYING

15th Apr Poetry, fiction and more on the theme of Mental Illness.

15th Apr ‘Our visions of future often are imbued with the cultural weight of our past, so we’re looking for poems, stories, essays & ethnographies, and other pieces which crackle into vivid image, which paint a star-map whose demands seem so real that we readers feel for a moment as though we are living it.’

20th Apr Poems on the theme of Howl at the Moon.

21st Apr Poetry, fiction and more on the theme of Perils of Populism. PAYING

24th Apr Poetry, fiction and more on the theme of ‘Others’ I Have Known.

27th Apr YA poetry, fiction and more on the theme of Aliens. PAYING

27th Apr ‘CRICKET (for ages 9-14) and SPIDER (ages 6-9) are looking for retellings of folktales, myths, and legends from around the world. We seek tales of humorous tricksters, of adventurous heroes on epic quests, of Clever and strong women, lovable fools, and formidable demons, as well as traditional wisdom tales and creation myths.’ Poetry, fiction and more. PAYING

30th Apr ‘We are looking for poetry that promotes understanding of how people with varying hearing abilities interpret sound and how D/deafness could be channelled into poetry. As well as voices from people experiencing D/deafness and those from D/deaf communities, we want to hear poetry that approaches this topic in ways that make us rethink our relationship with sound and language, poetry that promotes new understandings.’ CONTRIBUTOR COPY/COPIES

30th Apr ‘Afrocentric Books is taking submissions for a mythical fantasy anthology. We want adult stories. No erotica, though some erotic or romance elements are acceptable. Magic, gods, mysticism, mythical creatures. Bring us old fairy tales with an Afrocentric twist.’ 1000-7500 words. PAYING

30th Apr ‘We invite submissions of literature, art, and graphic narratives that consider the impact of the Obama family on the past decade of American culture.’

30th Apr ‘We are seeking short creative work by queer-identified writers and artists &/or on queer themes. We are seeking fiction, non-fiction, poetry, scripts, and visual art.’ PAYING

30th Apr ‘We want poetry that hurts the way bodies do. The vulnerability of self and the nature of being. A Portrait in Blues is about you. The way your heart & mind & limbs ache in the dark.’ CONTRIBUTOR COPY/COPIES

30th Apr Poetry, fiction and more. CONTRIBUTOR COPY/COPIES

30th Apr ‘We publish work that is aware of its literary form, writing that defamiliarizes in craft or content for an enhanced rendering of reality. We electronically accept fiction, nonfiction, poetry, flash, and hybrid submissions.’

30th Apr ‘What we want: Invading space aliens, demonic invasion as in Doom, DNA-grafted dinosaurs taking over the planet, manmade viral infections that nearly wipe out humanity, or artificial intelligence like in Terminator… anything you can think of that would bring about the end of the world. And SOLDIERS! Tell us about what happens during the worst of the fall of humanity or afterwards. No zombies. That’s already taken care of.’ 2000-10,000 words. PAYING

30th Apr ‘We are looking for poems that explore the concepts of “Space” and “Home.” We also welcome submissions of art and photography on the same theme.’

30th Apr Flash fiction up to 800 words.

30th Apr Poetry, fiction and more on the theme of Eclectically Heroic. PAYING

30th Apr Writing on the theme of Belonging.

30th Apr Poetry, fiction and more on the theme of Animals. CONTRIBUTOR COPY/COPIES

30th Apr Fiction 2000-6000 words on the theme of Last Shot Fired. PAYING

30th Apr Poetry, flash and short fiction on the theme of Letters.

30th Apr Canadians only: poetry and fiction on the theme of Optimism. PAYING

30th Apr Poetry on the theme of Space.

30th Apr Writing in response to the image or on the theme of Separation. CONTRIBUTOR COPY/COPIES

30th Apr ‘We are in looking for writing that focuses upon war, communism, the left, the far right, flesh, meat, blood, anger, warning signs, sexuality, gender, lust, mind and body, poisonous animals, foxes, bulls, the devil and wine. But we are always open to other suggestions. What we don’t want is a simple summary of what red means to you.’

30th Apr Weird fiction and poetry on the theme of Witches. PAYING

30th Apr ‘We’re accepting stories for our third issue, which is themed Sundown Towns. For those of you who aren’t familiar, a Sundown Town is a neighborhood or community, typically all-white, that enforces segregation though exclusion of other races via discriminatory laws, intimidation, and threats of violence. We are looking for brave works of speculative short fiction and poetry by authors from the African diaspora that reject regressive ideas of blackness, respectability politics, and stereotype.’ PAYING

30th Apr poetry, fiction and more incorporating the elements Temple, Yard Sale, and Visitation.

30th Apr Poetry, fiction, drama and more. PAYING

30th Apr Poetry, fiction and more on the theme of Summer Lovin’.

1st May ‘We are open to submissions which relate to the urban legends, rumors, and suspicious stories reported on We’re looking for stories in which the urban legends might be made more plausible, explorations of the nature of urban legends and their origins, etc. EACH SUBMISSION MUST CONTAIN A LINK TO A SPECIFIC SNOPES ARTICLE.’ PAYING

1st May ‘So what do the nooks and crannies of England mean to you? We are compiling an anthology of new poetry specifically about all the various towns, cities and villages of our beleaguered country, and we are inviting poetry which inhabits the landscape of the general ‘left’.’ Send up to 3 poems (attachments or body of email are fine) to ‘

1st May Fiction, poetry and more. PAYING

1st May Poems and stories on the theme of Windows.

1st May Poetry, flash fiction and more on the theme of Truth or Consequences.

1st May SF/F/H poetry or fiction. PAYING

1st May Poetry on the theme of the Road. CONTRIBUTOR COPY/COPIES

1st May Poetry, fiction and more on the theme of Recovery.

1st May ‘Hitchhiking is the art of traveling through getting free rides from folks. You stick out your thumb and gamble on if you’ll make it to the next stop or if you’re walking further than you had planned. Passing Through is seeking short stories with anthropomorphic characters on the road. Cash, Grass, or Ass, give us your best hitchhiking tales! Stories must contain anthropomorphic animals (humanized animals). This is a furry anthology, keep this in mind when submitting.’ PAYING

1st May Flash and short fiction on the theme of Alternative Facts.

1st May ‘We are interested in work that explores the intersection of human experience and the environment, broadly interpreted: work that focuses on ecology, science and the environmental imagination, certainly, but also work that focuses on place, on natural and built environments, and on the ways that people interact with their environments. We are looking for work that surprises, moves, or affects the reader.’ Poetry, fiction and more.


NOTE: Publishers sometimes don’t discuss their royalty rate upfront. This doesn’t necessarily mean that they don’t pay! I just haven’t put them as paying/giving royalties whenever I haven’t found details on the website.

Fiction 2000-6000 words.

Poetry, fiction and more. PAYING

Poetry, fiction and more.

For a small, one-off fee of £1,000,000.00, I will stand in my back garden naked and read your flash fiction story (up to 1000 words if the weather’s good, up to 500 words if it’s cold and/or raining) or poem up to 50 lines (or 40 if it’s cold and/or raining) out loud. Your £1,000,000.00 should be paid to I’m sure you’ll agree that it’s a reasonable fee. This offer is only valid on April 1st.

Poetry, fiction and more. CONTRIBUTOR COPY/COPIES

‘Peacock Journal, a daily online literary & arts magazine highlighting beauty in all its forms, seeks original submissions of Fiction, Flash, Poetry, Non-Fiction, Translations, Music, Art and Photography from emerging and established writers and artists. We want to see your most beautiful work.’

Fridays: poems written in response to an event of the last week. PAYING

Fiction and nonfiction MSS.

Canada only: suspense and mystery novels, or nonfiction MSS.

Until filled: reprints of dragon stories. PAYING

Horror fiction 2000-10,000 words. PAYING

SF/F/H MSS 8000-125,000 words.

‘Rat’s Ass Review will spend the first 100 days of the Trump presidency accumulating beauty and speaking artistic truth to ugliness. Not that beauty means smiling myopic ignorance; our poets will meet dark times with dark works as well as light ones. But they will hold out the hope that the arts have always offered – that the best of human effort can always go on, and in fact must go on, even in such an ugly time.’ Poetry.

‘Tumblehome Learning, Inc. publishes STEM-related (science, technology, engineering and math) books for children in grades K-12. The majority of our books are geared toward upper elementary and middle school grades (approximately ages 8-12). While we occasionally publish non-fiction books, these are exceptions. The large majority of our books are fiction, and generally have adventure/mystery plots, containing scientific facts, engineering design processes and/or genuine historical STEM figures.’ ROYALTIES

Comps and calls for March 2017

It’s March and it’s finally stopped snowing where I live. Oh wait — no it hasn’t. Regardless of the weather, this month I’d like to thank my husband Keir and my best friend Neil for all their help with my websites. They do all the technical stuff and when my eyes and hands or other parts aren’t working, my heroes do all the typing and admin too. (Keir also takes care of site sponsorship – get in touch if you’re interested.)

I’d also like to thank all of you for all your support and for letting me know when you’ve won prizes or been published. It’s very cheering, whatever the weather!

Cathy x

Here are March 2017’s writing competitions and calls for submission, all with free, electronic entry.

As usual I’m passing these on in good faith but mistakes may be made, so do check all the submission guidelines carefully. Any info in quotes comes from the website itself and any dates at the start are deadlines. Also, I don’t know the sources personally, so do check them out for yourselves.

There are three headings (click to jump straight to them):

If you aren’t a submitter (why not? Nothing to lose! Rejection is something we all share!) then the themes can make great writing prompts/exercises.

Although I mention only fiction or poetry, many publications accept non-fiction, art or other forms, so do check if interested. Good luck and do let me know of successes! The links are in the comments, and any dates at the start are deadlines.

Where possible, I have marked the relevant entries with ‘paying’, ‘contributor copy’ etc. However, you are best off checking the info for yourselves as I am not infallible and the info isn’t always available or clear. Please be aware that a contributor copy may be in print or digital format. Also, some publications offer several things, eg payment as well as a contributor copy. Where this is the case, I have assumed that payment is enough of an incentive, so I haven’t listed everything. It’s a rough guide and should be treated as such.


2nd Mar Story 1000-5000 words on the theme of Space. PAYING

2nd Mar Full-length play by someone who has not had a full-length play produced. PAYING

3rd Mar Story up to 2500 words. PAYING (thanks to for this one)

5th Mar Play with a running time of at least 70 minutes. PAYING

5th Mar Nonfiction essay on the theme of short stories. PAYING

6th Mar ‘The award, for short stories up to 8,000 words, is open to any writer with a history of publication in creative writing.’ PAYING

8th Mar ‘Spectator Competition No 2989: gettysburg revisited: You are invited to submit a version of the Gettysburg Address as it might have been given by a prominent figure on the world stage (alive or dead but please specify). Please email entries of up to 200 words to by midday on 8 March.’

10th Mar ‘Never Such Innocence is inviting all 9-16 year olds to send us poems or artwork inspired by the events of the First World War. We want to be as inclusive as possible and so we have introduced a Gaelic and Welsh language category for the poetry competition. If you or your student/s have any SEND that you would like the judges to be aware of please make a note on your entry form.’ PAYING

10th Mar Up to three poems about Nantucket Island or Life on Nantucket. PAYING

13th Mar Writing by UK residents aged 13-25. NON-CASH PRIZE

14th Mar Writers in the north of England only: a proposal for a project. PAYING

15th Mar Story up to 3000 words. NON-CASH PRIZE

15th Mar Single mothers only: ‘Please submit poetry, short stories, non-fiction essays, memoirs, and blog posts. We only accept 2 entries every six months. Writing must be by Solo Moms and an original work.’ PAYING (thanks to for this one)

15th Mar ‘We are looking for prose works of 150 words or fewer as well as poetry of sixteen lines or fewer and 150 words or fewer. All works should have a narrative element to them.’ PAYING

15th Mar Poetry MS by a poet with a substantial connection to India or the Indian diaspora. ‘We publish first and second books only. Unpublished writers, poets who have published one full-length book, or chapbooks (30 pages or less), are eligible.’ PAYING

15th Mar Undergraduates only: ‘The adult mayfly has a lifespan of less than 24 hours, while bristlecone pines can live thousands of years. Geological time works at even grander scales. How do vastly different species and systems experience time? And how do we, as human practitioners of environmental work? For our next volume, Whole Terrain seeks creative works that explore the multitude of meanings and perspectives on the theme About Time.’ (Cathy’s note: the publication also has a call open to everyone on the same theme – however only undergraduates are eligible for this award.) PAYING

17th Mar UK aged 18-30 only: poetry.

24th Mar ‘To enter, all you need to do is post a short story, a photo with a caption and/or a short video clip about your brilliant friend.’

31st Mar ‘We’re looking for uplifting short stories which involve someone getting finance/a loan for a very specific purpose. Stories should be works of fiction, not personal accounts or experiences.’ 1500-2500 words. PAYING

31st Mar Poem up to 30 lines. PAYING

31st Mar ‘We are looking for stories that cross genres. Slipstream. Steampunk. Action Romance Comedy. We are looking for lost places.’ Stories 500-2500 words.

31st Mar ‘The Visual Prompt Quarterly Contest is meant to inspire people to create work based on a prompt containing three images. The contest submission can either be poetry, fiction, nonfiction, or experimental literary in nature. It can contain all three images or just one.’ PAYING

31st Mar Speculative fiction up to 3500 words on the theme of A Hidden, Underlying Truth. PAYING

31st Mar Poem on the theme of Up Jumped Spring. NON-CASH PRIZE

31st Mar ‘We’ve run poetry and flash fiction competitions before, but today we’re thrilled to announce our first ever children’s short story competition! We’ve got two age brackets for this competition: ages 5 – 9, and ages 10 – 13. The short story can be on absolutely anything they’d like. Stories can only be entered by a parent, teacher or guardian on behalf of a child.’ VOUCHER/OTHER

31st Mar SF/F stories by new/amateur writers. PAYING

31st Mar The words for a children’s picture book. PAYING

31st Mar Fiction up to 10,000 words. PAYING

1st Apr ‘We want you to write a piece of comedy that’s no longer than 500 words. It could be experimental, satire, spoof, wit or wordplay. The choice our friends is up to you! We’re looking for all formats of written comedy. It could be the opening to a sitcom, a scene of a play or just a silly story. All that we ask is that it deals with one or more of the themes from Anita and Me, including family, coming-of-age, migration, racism, love and friendship, cultural and social change.’ PAYING

1st Apr Humor poem. Published or unpublished. PAYING

1st Apr ‘Now in its fourth year, the Prize annually honors literary nonfiction that illustrates artistic excellence, sensitivity to place, and desert literacy – with the desert as both subject and setting.’ PAYING

1st Apr Fiction and essays by current undergraduate or graduate college students. PAYING

1st Apr The first chapter of your completed (or soon to be completed) novel. NON-CASH PRIZE


2nd Mar ‘Subprimal Poetry Art looks for poetry and flash fiction that is crafted, urgent, lyrical, compelling, mythical, concerned with spiritual revelation, uses rhythmic sensual, vivid imagery and deals with fundamental truths. We’re looking for work that enables the reader / listener to experience something that they might not otherwise in their regular life and causes them to think.’ PAYING

3rd Mar ‘For this anthology, we are looking for erotic stories that explore the concept of sacrilege. No other parameters apply other than that every story needs to be literary, erotic, and push the boundaries between the sacred and the profane. We have a preference for Catholicism—the eroticism and hypocrisy are built right in—but sacrilege involving other major world religions is fair game.’ PAYING

3rd Mar Fantastical poetry. PAYING

4th Mar Previously-published work.

5th Mar ‘We want adult science fiction stories in diverse settings, featuring diverse people. The “in the future all people are a uniform color of café au lait” trope does not interest us. While it is not necessary for you to describe the physical features of all your characters, we do want to know that one of your main characters is of indigenous African descent.’ PAYING

5th Mar Poetry, fiction and more on the theme of Publishing. PAYING

5th Mar ‘Truancy 4 is a special #ownvoices issue, designed to highlight the revised, retold and remixed folklore and myths from authors of the African Continent & Diaspora, no matter where they may be in the world.’ PAYING

6th Mar Poetry and fiction on the theme of The Rules of the Game.

10th Mar ‘We propose to produce an anthology to allow us all to stand up and be counted: to express our outrage, to honour and nurture the values we believe in, to join the upswing of positive resistance to the assaults and threats to the creative and compassionate global community.’ Poetry.

10th Mar Poetry, fiction and more on the theme of Anticipation and Preparation.

10th Mar ‘We remember our first heartbreak, our first job, and our first days living on our own. For the spring, we are looking for pieces that reflect on the theme of growing up and beginning to change with the world around us.’ Fiction.

12th Mar Flash fiction up to 500 words.

14th Mar ‘Tipping over the edges. Way back when. Growing older getting younger. Stories of queerness through centuries, inside bodies, histories, ancestry. Tell us about seeping, sticky business. Tell us about pouring, tell us about flooding. Overflow of memory, overflow of queer lineage. Open to all who identify with and those who support the LGBTIQ+ community.’

15th Mar Up to three poems for the Voices Israel anthology.

15th Mar Speculative poetry and flash. PAYING

15th Mar Poetry and fiction. PAYING

15th Mar Poetry and flash on the theme of Beltane. PROFIT/REVENUE SHARING MODEL

15th Mar Poetry, fiction and more on the theme of Beauty.

15th Mar Speculative poetry on the theme of Alternate. PAYING

15th Mar Treasure-themed writing for this publication concerned with maps.

15th Mar ‘The adult mayfly has a lifespan of less than 24 hours, while bristlecone pines can live thousands of years. Geological time works at even grander scales. How do vastly different species and systems experience time? And how do we, as human practitioners of environmental work? For our next volume, Whole Terrain seeks creative works that explore the multitude of meanings and perspectives on the theme About Time.’

15th Mar ‘For our Spring 2017 issue our theme will be “The Family Strain.” “Strain” is one of our favorite words. It means to pull and push to the excess of strength, to overwhelm. A-course, the cowboy in us knows that strain may refer to the breed or stock or variety of animal or plant. Ain’t it the perfect word then to describe family: it’s our breed, our stock, our variety. At the same time, family has the power to push and pull and overwhelm.’–submit.html

15th Mar 50-word fiction on the theme of One Eyed Jacks & Deuces Wild (Cathy’s note: check the website, as the theme isn’t quite the way it sounds). CONTRIBUTOR COPY/COPIES

17th Mar ‘ We call our chapbook series “The Breadbox” because we want the stories we publish to serve as a source of fresh ideas, preserved in our chapbook vending machine for optimal quality and taste. Submissions of literary fiction and narrative nonfiction should range from 3,000 to 5,000 words in length. We are also accepting collections of up to ten poems.’ PAYING

24th Mar ‘Abridged 0-49 is Babel, concerning the fall-out from the reactionary combination of two elements that have become fundamental in contemporary life: post-truth and social media. Abridged is looking for poetry and art for its 0 – 49: Babel issue.’

25th Mar Poetry and fiction. PAYING

25th Mar ‘How did the evil queen in Snow White become evil? What troubles plague the step mother in Cinderella? Who broke the sea hag’s heart in The Little Mermaid? What betrayal drove the witch to imprison Rapunzel? Stories about the villains in fairy tales — the princesses who were never saved.’ 100-20,000 words. CONTRIBUTOR COPY/COPIES

28th Mar SF & F stories. PAYING

31st Mar Poetry and fiction on the theme of Diamonds and Toads. PAYING

31st Mar ‘I’m calling for submissions with first person viewpoints of inanimate objects* or animals. The theme is open; you can submit anything.’

31st Mar ‘Problem Daughters is an anthology of engaging tales that reflect the true complicated, colorful, intersectional nature of feminism, and of feminists.’ Poetry and short fiction. PAYING

31st Mar ‘This is not a book about politics. This is a book about people — one at a time — doing what we do best. Tell us your positive and uplifting experiences about living in a kind America — the kind of America we know to be the true America.’ PAYING

31st Mar Poems and stories on the theme of Stepping Outside your Comfort Zone. PAYING

31st Mar Poetry, fiction and more. CONTRIBUTOR COPY/COPIES

31st Mar Poetry and prose. PAYING

1st Apr Poetry and fiction.

1st Apr Poetry and prose on the theme of Food. PAYING

1st Apr ‘Girls Right the World is a literary journal inviting young female-identified writers and artists, ages 14 and up, to submit their work for consideration for the first issue. We believe that girls’ voices can and do transform the world for the better. We want to help expand girls’ creative platforms so that female-identified people from all races, religions, and sexual orientations can express themselves freely. We currently seek poetry, prose, short-stories, and lyric essays of any style and theme.’

1st Apr ‘For its inaugural issue, Monstering will be focusing on the heart of its namesake—that is, the concept of “monstering.” Do you see yourself in the hulking creatures of legend? The warped beings of myth? If you’re disabled and identify as either female or nonbinary, we encourage you to submit.’ PAYING (many thanks to for this one)

1st Apr Poetry, micro-prose and more.


NOTE: Publishers sometimes don’t discuss their royalty rate upfront. This doesn’t necessarily mean that they don’t pay! I just haven’t put them as paying/giving royalties whenever I haven’t found details on the website.

“Like every editor, I look for great writing. More specifically, I seek a wide range of political, cultural, geographic, and religious (and non-religious!) perspectives. The blog is Jewish-broadly-defined and inclusive. All ages, all life stages.” PAYING

Writing on social justice, queer, trans and mental health themes.

Poetry and fiction (Cathy’s note: 90% of what they publish is by Canadians. According to another site, this market is listed as PAYING, but I can’t find any payment details on the website itself).

Books for middle grade children and young adults.

Previously published poetry, fiction, and MSS of various kinds. ROYALTIES

‘We are currently accepting submissions of short fiction and poetry in the genres of science fiction, fantasy, magical realism, and other forms of speculative fiction for Strange Fictions ‘Zine. We are also accepting submissions of artwork, essays, and reviews.’ (Cathy’s note: they also want speculative MSS, but I don’t know what the pay structure is for that.) PAYING

Poetry, prose and more. PAYING

‘We are looking for poetry, prose and photography that responds creatively to the theme of being islanded.’ PAYING

Books on a variety of themes, many concerning mental health. PROFIT/REVENUE SHARING MODEL

Poetry by women.


MSS in various genres.

US only: ‘Here at Winterwolf Press, we love books that inspire as well as entertain and are dedicated to publishing fiction and nonfiction works that promote peace, joy, magic and positivity in society’s creative consciousness to contrast the dystopian narratives commonly found in our current culture.’

‘Send us your poems, essays, photos, paintings, projects, collages, comics, opinions, videos, illustrations, music, talents, designs (etc.) that need homes.’

‘We invite all poets to write one line, of no more than 25 words that will be considered for inclusion in the Epic Presidential Poem: The Trump Years. (The concept is to receive lines of poetry, we will read and select the best lines to then place the lines into what will become an epic poem that we add one line to for every day that Trump is in office.)’

‘Cold Creek Review currently accepts poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and art (traditional and digital, including photography). While we are partial to submissions that demonstrate examples of troubled emotion, we accept work in almost all styles.’

Poetry, flash, short fiction and more.

‘Open Thought Vortex is actively seeking previously unpublished guest posts (writing, art and videos) on beauty, body, sex, lifestyle, parenting, mental health, art, recipes, letters, current events, book reviews, interviews and anything else you can think of. Do you have an idea you think we’ll like? Nose that meatball our way. It’s amore!’

Comps and calls for February 2017

This month’s listing update is sponsored by:

Happy February! The New Year started well for me, once I’d got rid of my cold and chest infection: I won a poetry competition at The Horse’s Mouth. I only found out about the comp on New Year’s Eve and was late for my celebrations because I took the time to enter, so I am delighted that my diligence was rewarded. Then I discovered yet another medical problem that will require yet another operation… sigh!

How is your year going? Is it panning out the way that you’d hoped, or are you struggling? This is when perseverance counts. In January, lots of people enter and submit – it might be their new year resolution. By February, some will have given up. Don’t be among them!

Many thanks to ProWritingAid for sponsoring this month’s update. ProWritingAid is a world-class editing app used by both professional and novice writers. Quote the COMPS2017 discount code while ordering you’ll get a stunning 35% off ProWritingAid Premium, although a free trial is available too.

Cathy x

Here are February 2017’s writing competitions and calls for submission, all with free, electronic entry.

As usual I’m passing these on in good faith but mistakes may be made, so do check all the submission guidelines carefully. Any info in quotes comes from the website itself and any dates at the start are deadlines. Also, I don’t know the sources personally, so do check them out for yourselves.

There are three headings (click to jump straight to them):

If you aren’t a submitter (why not? Nothing to lose! Rejection is something we all share!) then the themes can make great writing prompts/exercises.

Although I mention only fiction or poetry, many publications accept non-fiction, art or other forms, so do check if interested. Good luck and do let me know of successes! The links are in the comments, and any dates at the start are deadlines.

Where possible, I have marked the relevant entries with ‘paying’, ‘contributor copy’ etc. However, you are best off checking the info for yourselves as I am not infallible and the info isn’t always available or clear. Please be aware that a contributor copy may be in print or digital format. Also, some publications offer several things, eg payment as well as a contributor copy. Where this is the case, I have assumed that payment is enough of an incentive, so I haven’t listed everything. It’s a rough guide and should be treated as such.


3rd Feb Poems on the theme of Place. PAYING (thanks to for this one)

5th Feb Travel experience unlike any other. Up to 1000 words. PAYING (thanks to for this one)

5th Feb Life writing up to 5000 words. PAYING

8th Feb Spectator Competition No. 2985: trigger point ‘You are invited to provide a poetic preview of the day Article 50 is triggered. Please email entries, wherever possible, of up to 16 lines to by midday on 8 February.’ PAYING

10th Feb ‘The theme is “The Line Of My Life”. It could just as well be about your first stumble down a dry ski slope as it could about heliskiing in Alaska. We’re just looking for an interesting story told well.’ 500-600 words. VOUCHER/OTHER

13th Feb Story up to 2000 words (Cathy’s note: as the prize is a course at Arvon, make sure that you can travel there before entering!). NON-CASH PRIZE

14th Feb Fiction 5000-10,000 on the theme of Love. PAYING

14th Feb ONE LINE based on the following prompt: She loved him and he loved her / but it wasn’t that simple. VOUCHER/OTHER

14th Feb UK only: Story 5000-10,000 words on the theme of Love. PAYING

14th Feb Explain in 15 words or fewer why you’d like to win metal business cards. NON-CASH PRIZE

17th Feb ‘The 17th Christopher Tower Poetry Competition, the UK’s most valuable prize for young poets, has opened for entries, and this year students between 16-18 years of age are challenged to write a poem on the theme of ‘Stone’.’ PAYING (thanks to for this one)

19th Feb ‘Maximum 2000 words on The Journey (you can change the title but the story must deal with the topic), with this last sentence from Perfume Island as a prompt:

They had a long journey ahead of them.’ NON-CASH PRIZE (Cathy’s note: as the winner needs to provide his/her own transport to Provence, this is probably best for writers in Europe)

21st Feb ‘The Matthew Power Literary Reporting Award is a grant of $12,500 to support the work of a promising early-career nonfiction writer on a story that uncovers truths about the human condition.’ PAYING (many thanks to for this one)

27th Feb US over 40 only: poetry MS. Only those who have not had a chapbook or poetry collection published are eligible. PAYING (LOTS!) (many thanks to for this one)

28th Feb Fiction 180-360 words. PAYING

28th Feb Poem composed in Jotabé rhyme. PAYING

1st Mar ‘Entry to the Prize for a Novella is open to residents of the UK, Ireland, US and Canada plus anyone who has been educated in Wales for a minimum of six months. We are seeking evocative, succinct and authentic short book-length manuscripts in English. For the novella category they will be between 8,000 and 30,000 words. For the memoir, between 5,000 and 30,000.’

1st Mar US only: ‘Two $500 awards will be given, one for a short story of up to 1000 words by a high school student and another for a short story of up to 2000 words by an undergraduate student.’ PAYING

1st Mar Flash fiction up to 500 words on the theme of Space Exploration. Multiple entries permitted. NON-CASH PRIZE

1st Mar Memoir or novella. (thanks to for this one)


3rd Feb Erotic stories 1000-5000 words on the theme of Hotel. PAYING

5th Feb Poetry inspired by music and musicians. CONTRIBUTOR COPY/COPIES

5th Feb or when filled: ‘Previously unpublished short fiction that doesn’t lean heavily on genre tropes. Hard sci-fi, soft sci-fi, sci-fi that melts in your mouth-brain not your hand-brain. Speculative fiction, weird fiction, slipstream, glitterlit, analogpunk. Basically anything that pleases Scummy, our megaphone-toting slime buddy.’ PROFIT/REVENUE SHARING MODEL

5th Feb 100-word story with a one word title. Theme: gods.

5th Feb Story 800-2000 words long on the theme of Rack and Ruin.

5th Feb ‘States of the Union is a book about the results of the 2016 presidential election. We are currently seeking contributors. Non-fiction, fiction, poetry, and art will all be accepted for submission.’ (Cathy’s note: the donation is suggested but not obligatory. One contributor will be paid $100) PAYS SOME CONTRIBUTORS

6th Feb Poetry, fiction and more on the theme of Canada.

6th Feb ‘The plays must be take their inspiration from a song in such a way as the audience can relate the piece directly back to the song. The pieces must take no longer than 15 minutes to perform. This means that your scripts should take about 10 minutes to read from the page.’

7th Feb ‘The London Reader is issuing an open call for short stories, minifiction, creative non-fiction, poetry, and art that explore love in the digital and narcissistic age.’

8th Feb Story or art on the theme of Floidoip. PAYING

10th Feb ‘Typewriter Emergencies is seeking works featuring furry characters. We’re looking for stories, book reviews, articles, and any other form of furry material.’ PAYING

10th Feb Writing on the theme of Black and White.

10th Feb Speculative flash fiction on the theme of Tyrannosaurus Reads. PAYING

10th Feb Flash and short fiction up to 6000 words. CONTRIBUTOR COPY/COPIES

14th Feb Poetry, fiction and more on the theme of Errant Mythologies.

14th Feb ‘As always, 49th Parallels only seeks science fiction (no supernatural creatures or events of any kind) but for this anthology, it might include steam or diesel punk. Stories must be set in Canada or involve Canada and Canadians as the principal subject operating in the larger world (or beyond). Stories may be historical (back to 1867) or futuristic, but whatever creates the alternative past or possible future must take place prior to 2017. The causal factor may be scientific, technological or as a result of major political or social change. We look forward to seeing how both Canadian and non-Canadian writers explore this question.’ PAYING

15th Feb ‘Hippocampus Magazine and Press is requesting true stories inspired by the heyday of radio* for its forthcoming anthology, Air.

We’re looking for behind-the-scene stories about small town radio stations. We’re seeking personal stories about die-hard radio fans. We want to hear from (current/former) jocks, from program directors, from engineers, from the sales team, from ancillary characters like record reps and concert promoters—tales from every corner of the radio station and from everyone radio ever reached.’ PAYING (thanks for this one to )

15th Feb Poetry, fiction and more on the various themes suggested.

15th Feb Ghazals on the theme of Freedom.

15th Feb Fiction and more on the theme of Fool.

15th Feb Poetry, flash fiction and more on the theme of Fauna.

17th Feb Fiction 3000-6000 words.

18th Feb Fiction 4000-10,000 words on the theme of Fire. PAYING

19th Feb Fiction and more on the theme of Wants and Needs.

20th Feb ‘We seek nonfiction work that attempts, circles, questions, contradicts, decries, implores, or offers remedy to a list of possible URBAN FRACTURES –including: election protests, police violence, gentrification, racism, classicism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, religious intolerance, immigration tensions, guns, domestic abuse, protest, development, neglect, loneliness—or anything from microaggression to cataclysm—that creates fissure, disconnection, and brokenness.’

20th Feb Poetry, fiction and more on the theme of The Earth Speaks: Reclaiming Indigenous Wisdom.

26th Feb ‘Short stories of up to 7,000 words by women writers, responding to the theme of ‘ghosts.’ ‘ PAYING

26th Poetry, fiction and more on the theme of Subversion.

27th Feb (Cathy’s note: ignore the deadline on the website – this is a fresh call): sketches and one-liners responding to new stories. PAYING

28th Feb ‘Blood & Bourbon is here to showcase all things hard, gritty, and raw. That time you got in a bar fight, that time you went to an S&M club, that time you had an opinion that sparked a heated argument over a family dinner.’ Poetry, fiction and more.

28th Feb ‘Sweat, Tears, or the Sea is looking for submissions inspired by the John Milton quote “They also serve who only stand and wait.” There are three categories: Poetry (no line limits, but longer poems must be exceptional), Flash Fiction (up to 1,000 words), and Short Fiction (1,001 to 4,000 words).’

28th Feb ‘I have become very interested in the idea of Hygge, the Danish term for cosiness, intimacy and taking pleasure from simple things. It’s about candlelight and cosy throws, knitting, sharing comfort food with good friends, reading, country walks,and enjoying everything in the present moment. It’s a hug for the soul.’ Poetry (Cathy’s note: although this isn’t a ‘payer’, I recommend Angela’s blog in general, for all aspects of poetry and the poetry life).

28th Feb ‘TOKEN magazine is an arts and literature zine that gives a voice to those who are rarely given one. The name comes from the experience many people of colour face in everyday life: tokenism. TOKEN magazine is an outlet to work against that – diversity of voice is essential to the magazine, not an afterthought.’ Short fiction and more.

28th Feb Canadian Christians only: Poetry, fiction and more on the theme of Christmas. PAYING

28th Feb ‘Dribble, Drabble, Twabble…Stories of 50 words, 100 words and 100 characters exactly. Plus haiku, tanka, haibun, limericks and other short form poetry. Other strict short form fiction is welcome, as are stories about short forms of fiction and poetry, and I will be accepting ‘unthemed’ fiction and poetry (in this case, longer stories and poems) as well.’

28th Feb Speculative fiction on the theme of Appetities. PAYING

28th Feb Short stories 2000-4000 words (not firm) on the theme of any of these: Lost Worlds, Supernatural Horror, Time Travel & Heroic Fantasy. PAYING

28th Feb ‘The presidential election in 2016 in the United States has reignited the narrative about Arabs and Muslims as expedient villains. This is nothing new, but perhaps there are a fervor and momentum this time around that are especially dangerous. How are we being affected, responding and not responding, surviving? We’re looking for work that wrestles with the topic in thoughtful, personal, whimsical, humorous, critical, or other ways, skipping the speeches and lessons.’ Poetry and prose. PAYING

28th Feb Poetry and prose on the theme of Spring (the season).

28th Feb ‘The Political Issue is looking for speculative cyberpunk fiction focusing on the political systems of the present and future, dystopian cyberpunk fiction satirical fiction, thoughtful nonfiction pertaining to the worlds changing political climate (for we live in interesting time), and most importantly, hope.’ PAYING

28th Feb Poetry and fiction on the theme of Time. PROFIT/REVENUE SHARING MODEL

28th Feb ‘The Mythos Planet: Lovecraft Insired Sci-Fi Terror–Drabbles (100 words), Micro-Fiction (101-750 words), Flash (751-1000 words), Short Stories (1001-2000 words), and Poetry (up to 50 lines).’

28th Feb Poetry or prose on the theme of Technology. CONTRIBUTOR COPY/COPIES

28th Feb Poetry, flash, short fiction and more on the theme of Swansong.

1st Mar Novel MS proposals.

1st Mar Poetry and fiction.

1st Mar Poetry, fiction and more.

1st Mar Poetry, fiction and more on the theme of Transformations (Cathy’s note: another source lists this as a paying market, but I can’t find any details of payment on the website). UNKNOWN PAYMENT

1st Mar ‘Submit 1-5 poems, the name of the location (park, public land, or designated outdoor space) that inspired the poem or poems, and a short bio to, anytime between December 15, 2016 and March 1, 2017. You may also include relevant photographs that might accompany your poems on the website.’ PAYING

1st Mar Flash, short fiction and more on the theme of Killer Clowns and Freak Shows. PAYING

1st Mar Flash, short fiction and poetry on the theme of Is There a Word for That? (Cathy’s note: non-Americans can submit by email). PAYING

1st Mar ‘Retro Future is a bi-monthly pulp magazine that searches for diverse, surprising, and progressive science fiction in art, prose, essay, and comics.’ Theme: Games. PAYING

1st Mar Poetry on the theme of Spring. CONTRIBUTOR COPY/COPIES


NOTE: Publishers sometimes don’t discuss their royalty rate upfront. This doesn’t necessarily mean that they don’t pay! I just haven’t put them as paying/giving royalties whenever I haven’t found details on the website.

‘We want the things that are skewed, that live somewhere slightly left of reality. We want the things that stick out, that make us laugh, that raise our hairs on end, that get under our skin and refuse to leave us alone. All prose under 1,500 words will be considered for publication. You may use those 1,500 words as you wish: in one story, in seven, in three, etc.’

Poetry. PAYING

Queer literature: poetry, fiction and more. ‘We define queer literature and arts as works created by LGBTTQI people, rather than works which feature queer content alone.’ PAYING

Horror fiction.

‘Born in Africa and bred in the diaspora, Transition is a unique forum for the freshest, most compelling, most curious ideas about race.’ Poetry and fiction. There are two calls open as I write this: for work on Fear or Religion. CONTRIBUTOR COPY/COPIES

‘Bottlecap Press is always looking for fresh new material, and is actively seeking manuscript submissions for chapbooks and full length works, as well as poetry and fiction submissions for our blog!’ TIP JAR SYSTEM

Stand-alone theatre scripts 10-15 mins to be performed in London (Cathy’s note: you arrange the performers, so it would help if you can get to London!). PAYING (with thanks to for this one)


Clean fantasy and SF stories. PAYING

Poetry and fiction (Cathy’s note: if your work is selected and published, you will get a voucher for a subscription to firswriter. Well worth it in my opinion – I got a lifetime subscription and it has been very useful). VOUCHER/OTHER

‘The Future Fire publishes beautiful and useful fiction and poetry that focuses on the social-political elements of imaginary, futuristic, fantastic, horrifying, surreal or otherwise speculative universes. We are particularly interested in feminist, queer, postcolonial and ecological themes, writing by under-represented voices, and stories from outside the Anglophone world.’ PAYING