This month’s listing update is sponsored by:
Hello all! It’s November and I haven’t been very well recently, so apologies in advance if I’ve made any mistakes below (I’m OK – it’s nothing serious). There are some great opportunities, though, so make yourself a hot drink, put some mellow music on, and do some submitting and entering.
This month’s update is sponsored by my husband’s business, Manc Mac Support. This provides upgrades, tech support and training services for Apple computers, including Macs, in the north west UK area. Why struggle with a slow, old Mac when you can upgrade its hardware to make it feel like it’s brand new – and for much, much less than you might think? See for info, or email for no-obligations chat.
As always, good luck this month with your writing and entries!
Cathy x
Here are November 2016’s writing competitions and calls for submission, all with free, electronic entry.
As usual I’m passing these on in good faith but mistakes may be made, so do check all the submission guidelines carefully. Any info in quotes comes from the website itself and any dates at the start are deadlines. Also, I don’t know the sources personally, so do check them out for yourselves.
There are three headings (click to jump straight to them):
If you aren’t a submitter (why not? Nothing to lose! Rejection is something we all share!) then the themes can make great writing prompts/exercises.
Although I mention only fiction or poetry, many publications accept non-fiction, art or other forms, so do check if interested. Good luck and do let me know of successes! The links are in the comments, and any dates at the start are deadlines.
Where possible, I have marked the relevant entries with ‘paying’, ‘contributor copy’ etc. However, you are best off checking the info for yourselves as I am not infallible and the info isn’t always available or clear. Please be aware that a contributor copy may be in print or digital format. Also, some publications offer several things, eg payment as well as a contributor copy. Where this is the case, I have assumed that payment is enough of an incentive, so I haven’t listed everything. It’s a rough guide and should be treated as such.
Weekly: poem. PAYING
2nd Nov Spectator Competition no 2973: missing person report. Stevie Smith wrote a poem entitled ‘Thoughts about the Person from Porlock’. Assuming there really was a person from Porlock, who might it have been? You are invited to give your own thoughts — in prose of up to 150 words or verse of up to 16 lines. Please email entries, wherever-possible, to by midday on 2 November. PAYING
4th Nov ‘For this mini-contest, show, tell, or evoke a complete story in no more than 50 words. At least two of the words in the story that are at least six letters long must be anagrams of each other. You’ll get bonus points for using more than one anagram (as we define it here), but story is equally important. Don’t cram every possible anagram you can into your entry if it makes your entry read awkwardly or sound unnatural.’ (Cathy’s note: best not to have too many non-US cultural references if you enter this. In a recent newsletter from OTP, they explained that they just reject stories with too many unfamiliar references. They are having a foreign-only issue at some point as an attempt to balance this. I’d prefer that they learned to use google instead, but there you are. As a judge, I was always delighted by unfamiliar cultural references, as they are a chance to learn. This is just my opinion, of course, though I am familiar with having to read 10000s of entries/submissions in a limited time for no money. But a judge has a responsibility to the contestants. I emailed this comment to them, but received no reply.) PAYING
6th Nov Story relating to Judaism. Preference will be given to stories that relate to Wisconsin, USA in some way. PAYING (with thanks to for this one)
9th Nov Spectator Competition No. 2974: I quit! You are invited to submit a resignation letter from God (150 words maximum). Please email entries to by midday on 9 November. PAYING
15th Nov US only: poem on the theme of Falling. VOUCHER/OTHER
19th Nov Story up to 500 words on the theme of Making Change Happen. PAYING
21st Nov The first line of a frightening story. NON-CASH PRIZE
21st Nov US only: ‘The Freeman Family and the Drake University Department of English invite you to submit outstanding unpublished non-fiction essays of up to 3500 words on the subject of change and changes – whether that means the changing world, the changing self, metamorphoses or evolutions, sea changes or slow changes, we are open to all interpretations of this very general theme.’ PAYING
Weekly until 29th Nov: using 140 characters or fewer, review one of the SF books mentioned. NON-CASH PRIZE
30th Nov Up to 5 short stories, 1000-5000 words each. PAYING
30th Nov Fiction up to 2000 words on the theme of Wizards and Warriors. VOUCHER/OTHER
30th Nov Up to three poems. PAYING
2nd Nov Poetry, fiction and more.
3rd Nov ‘We’re looking for your erotic tales of wanderlust—of those who are gripped by the impulse to wander, travel, explore the world. Drifters, carnies, bikers, vagabonds, gypsies, runaways, musicians, explorers—the only requirement is an affliction of wanderlust, with an emphasis on lust.’ 1000-5000 words. PAYING
4th Nov ‘How Well You Walk Through Madness follows the Beat tradition and is seeking short fiction of no more than 5500 words. We are looking for stories that capture ordinary madness-the down and dingy corners of life. Send us the last little hope before getting a boot to the face. Send us experimental fiction or poetry littered with philosophies on a mission to corrupt the norms. Essentially, we’re looking for Beat fiction.’ Poetry also accepted. PAYING
4th Nov Poetry, fiction and more on the theme of Rebirth. CONTRIBUTOR COPY/COPIES
6th Nov Story 800-2000 words on the theme of Light and Dark.
7th Nov ‘The holidays can be a time of merriment, love, and laughter; of memories; of loneliness and longing. We are looking for stories that take place during the holiday season.’ (Cathy’s note: this is ‘holiday’ in the US sense, i.e. Christmas, rather than a holiday as we would call it – days off or a trip.)
7th Nov Poetry, fiction and more on the theme of Election and Politics.
9th Nov Poetry, fiction and more on the theme of Technology for this ‘zine dedicated to women’s sexuality.
10th Nov or when filled: ‘We are hoping for weird, speculative, or literary slice of life pieces that are uplifting and thought provoking. The story must contain some aspect of the fall and holiday season: Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, etc.’ Poetry, fiction and more. PAYING
11th Nov Video of you reading your poem on the theme of Ageless learning, border-less dreams.
13th Nov Poetry on the theme of Confession (pays Australian contributors only). PAYS SOME CONTRIBUTORS
15th Nov ‘In times like these it can sometimes be tempting to talk, in hushed tones and to people we trust, about ‘the end of the world’. But there is, surely, no one end to any world – instead, there are many endings, small and large, tumbling over each other all the time, building up to a crescendo. If you live in Yamal, or Syria, or in a logged rainforest or a spreading desert – your world is ending now. In our eleventh book, we’d like to dig deeper into what this means. What happens if, instead of focusing on some predicted future catastrophe, we look around us at the many smaller ones which are happening as we write?’ CONTRIBUTOR COPY/COPIES
15th Nov Poetry, fiction and more. PAYING
15th Nov ‘Mizmor L’David Anthology: Poems must be centred on the Jewish experience/Spiritual. Works by all writers, of any background, will be considered.
You are invited to submit as many poems for consideration. Only one poem, per writer, will be included in each edition.’ (Cathy’s note: I can’t find a deadline on the site, but Duotrope lists it as Nov 15th, so I’m playing safe!)
15th Nov ‘Milk Teeth is an anthology inspired by the curiously collected moments of childhood that are ephemeral yet enduring, and that continue to beckon us from the depths of time and memory. We wish to read poetry and prose that smell the damp garden soil, taste the blood of scraped knees and elbows, remember the cracks in the walls of the bedroom, and hear the slow murmur of the mother’s lullaby.’ CONTRIBUTOR COPY/COPIES
15th Nov Previously published fiction, 2000-10,000 words. PAYING
15th Nov Positive poetry, fiction and more on the theme of Vibrant Life. CONTRIBUTOR COPY/COPIES
15th Nov M/M erotic romance, 10k-100k words, on the theme of Power of the Zodiac. ROYALTIES
15th Nov Poetry, flash and more on the theme of Pop Culture.
15th Nov Poetry and more on the theme of Organic Machines/Engineered Humans: (Re)Defining Humanity.
15th Nov Essays on the theme of Christmas/Holiday Movies. PAYING
18th Nov Writing on the theme of Saudade. CONTRIBUTOR COPY/COPIES
19th Nov ‘Tiny Tim Literary Review will be released on a quarterly basis. Our first publication date is set for sometime in December. The goal is to normalize chronically ill/disability narratives in addition to humanizing medical professionals through their stories. We’ll be taking in fiction, poetry, and nonfiction work primarily.’ PAYING (thanks to for this one)
20th Nov Poetry, fiction and more on the theme of Growing Up.
20th Nov Poetry on the theme of Creation for this Christian anthology.
25th Nov Poetry, flash and more on the theme of Midwinter. Choice of CONTRIBUTOR COPY or PROFIT/REVENUE SHARING MODEL
25th Nov ‘For this anthology, we are looking for fantasy stories focusing on winter, snow, and ice. We will not consider urban fantasy or stories in a modern setting for this anthology. Other sub-genres are accepted.’ 100-25,000 words. CONTRIBUTOR COPY/COPIES
30th Nov Poetry on the theme of Margins. CONTRIBUTOR COPY/COPIES
30th Nov Poetry and prose. PAYING
30th Nov Poetry and fiction on the theme of Time. ROYALTIES!about-imprimo/j2mqz
30th Nov Fairytale-inspired poems and stories on the theme of The New Year. PAYING
30th Nov ‘I will be looking for stories about every kind of horse from the earthly to the mythological and though I’ll be placing a special emphasis on horses, unicorns and pegasi, every kind of magical equine is welcome (and really, aren’t they all magical?). Stories with a strong sense of place will have an advantage, as will those which explore the connection (for better or for worse) between equines and humans.’ PAYING
30th Nov Speculative poetry. PAYING
30th Nov Fiction and more on the theme of Lost and Found. PAYING
30th Nov Experimental fiction, poetry, and more on the theme of Lines. CONTRIBUTOR COPY
30th Nov Poetry and fiction. ‘The monsters we have come to know and love take a backseat as we delve into the darkest, most hideous depths of a monster that has taken centre stage as of late–HUMANS. I’m looking for ‘psychological horror’, horror that comes from within.’ PAYING
1st Dec Poetry, fiction and more on the theme of Aphrodite. CONTRIBUTOR COPY/COPIES
1st Dec CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS! I have been creating an anthology since the verdict for Trayvon Martin … it has gone through titles due to the situation and I have settled on “Firewords: State of Our Union” .. please send your art, stories of living minority in AmeriKKKa, poems, videos to sinikpro AT gmail DOT com… subject “firewords”. send your bio and picture if you do not want to be anonymous.
1st Dec ‘We want poetry that we can call “of the fantastical”, poetry that treats mythic, surreal, fantasy and folkloric themes, or approaches other themes in a fantastical way.’ PAYING
1st Dec Poetry and more on the theme of Humanities and Religion.
NOTE: Publishers sometimes don’t discuss their royalty rate upfront. This doesn’t necessarily mean that they don’t pay! I just haven’t put them as paying/giving royalties whenever I haven’t found details on the website.
Poetry collections and novels.
‘We are looking for fantastical poetry of literary and emotional depth from a diversity of voices and perspectives. Our definition of fantastical is quite fluid, encompassing fantasy, magic realism, myth, folklore, surrealism and slipstream.’ PAYING (with thanks to for this one)
Flash and short speculative fiction. PAYING (just!)
‘General Call for Submissions of Fabulous Feminist Creative Writing and Artwork Work with a feminist consciousness that challenges the status quo and says things that are difficult to say may be hard to find a home for, but it’s exactly what S/tick is looking for. S/tick provides a place for women and feminists to share their grief, anger, and joy. Please send us your bright and touching art, poetry, and prose with a biting feminist bent. Preference will be given to women and artists in Canada, though if neither of these red dresses fits you, simply ensure you redress something of interest to women! Please visit our site at and click “Submit to S/tick” for our guidelines!’
Scary stories. PAYING
‘You are invited to send two or three short poems or prose poems, in the body of an email, to with your name. All copyright remains with authors. Please do not send biographical details or lists of previous publications. Please do not send rhyming doggerel or shaggy dog stories masquerading as poems. Please do not send previously published work.’
Crime flash fiction. PAYING
Poetry, flash, short fiction and more.